Month: September 2016

  • 25 Ways to Celebrate Being #DoneWithDICAS

    Submitting your DICAS application is an incredible feat! Here are some fun ways to celebrate before landing the dietetic internship of your dreams.

    Congratulations on finally hitting the submit button on your DICAS application!

    The All Access Dietetics team has put together a list of ways we think you should celebrate! Share your #DoneWithDICAS photo with us on social media (D.M. us if your account is private), and we will add it to our album!

    1. Have a large glass (or two) of an adult beverage, but drink responsibly, people!
    2. Sign up for an excellent fitness class and sweat out that stress.
    3. Schedule a facial, massage, or another spa service.
    4. Do a happy dance!
    5. Eat a meal or snack that is NOT nutritious at all.
    6. Sleeeeeeeep, then sleep some more… then take a nap.
    7. Reset with a road trip somewhere nearby, but far, far away from your computer.
    8. Hide all internship notes and don’t look at them (until you need to for the interviews).
    9. Host a party with your dietetics friends!
    10. Have a Netflix binge.
    11. Take a trip to the grocery store and go crazy (doesn’t everyone like to spend time looking at new foods there or just us? LOL).
    12. Try a new recipe for anything you are craving.
    13. Bake some goodies and bring them to your dietetics class!
    14. Spend a weekend at home with the family, significant other, or friends you have been completely ignoring the past few weeks.
    15. Treat yourself to a much-deserved lazy day off from everything to completely disconnect.
    16. Tell EVERYONE you’re done… tweet it, Instagram it, Facebook it, Snapchat it, blog it, even yell it.
    17. Take yourself on a trip to the movies!
    18. Have a night out on the town and dance your heart out.
    19. Start reading a new book and cuddle up with a cup of tea.
    20. Check DICAS off of your to-do list (even if you write it on your list and then immediately cross it off, it will feel amazing).
    21. Share your trips with future applicants by making a video, posting to social media, blog, etc.
    22. Start a blog with the free time you now have!
    23. Go bowling with a group of friends, family, or fellow DICAS survivors.
    24. Buy yourself a new outfit (but don’t go crazy… you will have an internship to pay for!).
    25. Watch an inspiring TedTalk like this one on power posing to get you ready for your interviews!

    View Our #DONEWITHDICAS Facebook Album!

    P.S. ARE YOU IN YET? Join the future dietitian newsletter to receive monthly webinar invites, free resources, exclusive experience opportunities, and so much more!


  • 5 Myths About Being a Dietetics Major

    Studying nutrition means sometimes you’re learning the Krebs cycle, and others you’re baking cookies. Here are our top myths about being a dietetics major.

    Are you looking to land the dietetic internship of your dreams? Schedule your free call with Jenny today to discuss your background, address any concerns, and decide on the next steps for your dietitian journey!

    All we do is study food.

    Almost all DPD coursework includes anatomy and physiology, chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology…shall I go on? We know the ins and outs of metabolic pathways and can balance a chemical equation like nobody’s business, but we also know how to make a killer acai bowl and prevent foodborne illness. After all, we are food and nutrition experts- in every area of the field!

    Everyone follows the gluten-free-dairy-free-paleo-low-FODMAP diet.

    We know the importance of a well-balanced diet more than anyone, and that one diet doesn’t fit all. Cheat days are often plenty, but we strive to practice what we preach and eat for health. You can find many of us experimenting with new recipes, too.

    The only students who get internships have straight A’s

    There are so many other components to your application than your grades. Yes, they are essential, but so are your volunteer experiences, work experiences, personal statement, and letters of recommendation.

    Ochem is impossible without blood, sweat, or tears

    It’s no lie that organic chemistry requires lots of hard work. Utilizing study groups, office hours, and lots of study time can make doing well…no blood needed.

    We balance studying, homework, volunteering, and working like pros

    Nope, that’s not a myth 😉

    What are some of your favorite myths about being a dietetics major? Sound off in the comments!

    P.S. ARE YOU IN YET? Sign up for our newsletter, and you’ll receive monthly webinar invitations, free resources, exclusive experience opportunities, and more!


  • 5 Reasons to Create an Online Portfolio

    Think of your online portfolio as an extension of your DICAS application. This tool could get you closer to landing the dietetic internship of your dreams.

    If you haven’t created an online portfolio yet, now’s the time! Only some program applications require one, but you can still add the URL to your resume even if they don’t.

    Click here to take your application to the next level with free resources and exclusive advice from Jenny!

    Here are our top 5 reasons why you need one:

    Opportunity to show directors examples of your best work

    Remember to include projects or papers that you are passionate about to reference them in later interviews. Did you complete a unique project in your program? Feature it so internship programs can see it!

    It makes you stand out from the competition.

    No two applications are alike, similar to online portfolios. Your portfolio is distinctly yours and can be another way to stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression.

    Adds a visual element to your application

    A dietetic internship director may remember you during your interview from your online portfolio’s unique logo or layout. This also serves as a way for internship programs to learn about you and your sense of style or flare. Make sure to stay true to yourself when creating your online presence!

    It gives directors a better sense of who you are as a person

    Directors will gain a better understanding of your personality through the details of your online portfolio. They will see your skills, such as attention to detail and creativity, which show promise as a dietetic intern.

    It can be used again when you’re hunting for a job

    Make sure to save your online portfolio and continue adding to it as a dietetic intern. Nothing will make a potential employer more pleased than an in-depth and highly professional online portfolio. As you grow through your nutrition career, remember to let your online portfolio grow with you.

    Blogger, WordPress, VisualCV, and Wix are all great sites for housing your portfolio.

    Are you not convinced? Check out this article from The New York Times for more!

    P.S. Once your e-portfolio is done, join our Get Matched Coaching for a portfolio review from one of our coaches to make sure it is visually fantastic, organized, and free of grammar mistakes!


  • The Truth About Distance Internships

    Distance dietetic internships can be a great option in becoming a Registered Dietitian. We’ve included the information you should know about this route.

    Part I: The Application Process

    When it comes to dietetic internships, distance internships are a great option. Some of the benefits include flexible scheduling, staying close to home, and the ability to select specific sites and preceptors you want to work with. However, with this comes unique challenges, so we put together a guide of things to be aware of when going the distance route.

    Remember that every distance program is structured differently, so it is essential to thoroughly read their websites and contact the program directors if you have any questions. You can find distance dietetic internships programs here.

    We always say that the earlier you can start preparing, the better, especially for distance internships! Why? Well, in addition to writing your resume and personal statement and filling out DICAS, you may also need to find preceptors for potential programs and have them fill out and return preceptor applications to you BEFORE February 15th (or September 25th) deadline.

    Click here to take your application to the next level with free resources and exclusive advice from Jenny!

    So, where is the best place to start?

    First, research the programs you are interested in to learn more about their requirements. Here are some questions to ask when evaluating distance internship programs:

    • What rotations need to be completed?
    • How many hours need to be completed for each course?
    • How many hours a week are you required to work?
    • How many preceptors do you need to find?
    • Does the program help you find preceptors?
    • Are there specific requirements for the preceptors (e.g., at least three have to be R.D.s)?
    • How many preceptors need to be lined up before the deadline (all, some, or none)?
    • What kinds of facilities are acceptable?
    • Are there specific requirements for the facilities (e.g., at least one facility must be accredited by the Joint Commission)?
    • How will you communicate with the director throughout the internship?
    • How are you required to submit assignments and track your hours throughout the training?
    • Do you have to take online classes?

    Once you know where you’d like to apply, the next step is finding preceptors if your programs ask for you to have them lined up before the application deadline. Make sure you understand the requirements for each program you’re applying to. This is crucial as you will need to supply potential preceptors with this information, along with an application to fill out from each program if they agree to work with you.

    If you already have connections in the field, you may not have to look far to find preceptors. Some programs will even provide you with preceptors! Reach out to your contacts first and ask if anyone is willing to be your preceptor or if they can put you in touch with other R.D.s. You can also reach out to your local or state dietetic association to see if they can connect you with someone. Then, once you’ve exhausted your network, it’s time to make a list and start cold-calling R.D.s and facilities!

    The truth is that some people may say no, and others may not respond at all, but don’t let this discourage you- it’s just how the process goes! There is plenty of R.D’S out there who know the importance of the internship, understand that someone did it for them when they were interns, and are willing to pay it forward to help you reach your dreams.

    Here’s something to be aware of: some facilities, especially in large cities, already have contracts in place with local internship programs. This means that they may not be willing to take on additional interns, or in some cases, they may not even be allowed to. If this happens repeatedly, you may need to expand your search radius and be willing to travel a further distance.

    Lastly, don’t be afraid to sell yourself to the R.D. and be clear about how YOU can benefit THEM! Do they have projects they need to be finished? Notes written? Handouts created? While they will be taking time out of their day to work with you, you can put your skills to good use and do work that benefits the organization while also fulfilling your requirements. At the very least, be sure to send them a copy of your resume. If your personal statement is ready, it doesn’t hurt to send this along so they can better understand your skills, accomplishments, and career goals.

    Get 10 FREE tips to ace your Dietetics Internship interview!

    Part II: During the Internship

    Once you’ve been accepted, you may need to notify all of your preceptors to tell them the good news. If tentative rotation dates were already set, be sure to confirm them again, as things may have changed since February. An official contract may need to be signed at this time between them and the school.

    Most programs hold an in-person orientation for anywhere from a few days to a week or more. This is an excellent opportunity to meet your director, as well as your fellow interns whom you’ll want to stay in touch with throughout the internship. In addition, Facebook groups and email chains are great ways to stay connected as a group so you can share your experiences, ask questions, figure out the assignments together, and motivate each other to keep going.

    Distance programs require a high level of self-management, organization, and communication skills to ensure that you’re meeting the requirements of your program and getting the most out of your experiences.

    It would help if you began each rotation knowing the number of practice hours you need at that facility, the tasks and assignments to be accomplished, and the goals you’d like to meet while there. Sometimes your preceptors may look to you for guidance because you have a better grasp of the program requirements than they do, especially if they’re managing interns from multiple programs.

    Be prepared for the possibility of change at any time. Preceptors who agreed to work with you may get new jobs, facilities might back out for one reason or another, and your rotation dates and hours may need to be adjusted as you go. In cases like these, the best thing you can do is be flexible and go with the flow. Internship directors are well-versed in dealing with these situations, and they will provide you with the best steps to resolve any problems that arise.

    The last piece to keep in mind is that, in some cases, you may be the only intern in a facility during a rotation, which means you won’t be sharing your day-to-day experiences with other interns. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but you may sometimes wish someone else who “gets it” is there with you. However, one of the perks of striking out on your own is that you get the sole attention of your preceptors and the chance to develop stronger connections with them. Joining your local dietetic association is a great way to meet nearby interns with whom you can connect in person, and you may even see some of them during your rotations!

    P.S. If you’re looking for help with the more intense distance dietetic internship applications, Get Matched Coaching includes individual support to land the internship of your dreams!