Month: May 2017

  • Jenny’s 4 Life-Changing Books to Read

    Readers are leaders! That is what my mother would tell me over and over as I was growing up. While she was pretty aware of the benefits of reading for children, I can’t help but think she also hoped my five brothers and I would read to get some peace in the house. Regardless, I thank her for the many trips to the library growing up!

    As an adult, I’ve always been into self-improvement books. If I wanted happiness, success, or purpose in my life, I knew it would be an inside job. Four books truly changed my life, not because they taught me new information in business or nutrition, but because they taught me how to change my thoughts, attitude, confidence, surroundings, support system, and goals.

    I am sharing the four books you should read if you want to change your life 😉 (That doesn’t sound very nice, but it is true!)

    THE SUCCESS PRINCIPLES by Jack Canfield 

    I read this book right before I started All Access Dietetics (formerly All Access Internships) back when I was 21. I will never forget how I felt while reading it. “LIKE OMG. THIS IS AMAZING. I’M GOING TO DO EVERYTHING JACK SAYS. JACK IS THE BEST. WATCH OUT, WORLD, BECAUSE I AM A NEW PERSON!”

    This book has over 60 principles that you can apply to your life. I’ll find myself re-reading various chapters of this book multiple times throughout the year.

    Quick story time…In 2012, Jack Canfield was the keynote speaker at FNCE in San Diego. I sat in the front row and made a sign with my friends “WWJCD,” meaning “What would Jack Canfield do?” It was our mantra for our mastermind group that Jack inspired us to create. Anyways, when Jack asked the audience who wanted the book in his hands, I sprinted to him and grabbed the book. He then explained that this was an example of a success principle he mentioned in his book; if you want something, you have to go and GRAB IT! Awesome, right?! After his presentation, I was able to meet him and get my book signed. It was a dream come true!

    YOU ARE A BADASS by Jen Sincero 

    Before reading this book, I pondered questions like…what is my life?! Am I that great?! Am I doing the right things?! And Jen slowly but surely guided me to realize that yes, I am a badass, and you are too. The sooner you believe it, the better.

    BONUS: She released another book called YOU ARE A BADASS AT MAKING MONEY, and I listened to it (because I’m all about audiobooks now). It is freakin’ good and an excellent follow-up once you officially realize you are a badass.


    I’ve always erred on the side of minimalism in my life. It may have been because I grew up in a big family (6 kids), and we didn’t have the space for a lot of clutter. I remember when I was in college and moved into my dorm. I had about half the belongings as my friends, but I was still able to function in life. Their possessions stressed me out. The fact that they had to fold or hang up that many clothes gave me the shivers.

    So when THE LIFE-CHANGING MAGIC OF TIDYING became a viral sensation, I was not surprised. There is the freedom to minimize the material and focus on quality (what “sparks joy,” as Marie says) over quantity.

    Marie gave me the exact instructions for changing my environment and tidying up my space (for good!), and it secretly led me to apply the question of “what sparks joy?” to other areas of my life, like my social job circle, and more. She says at the very end of the book something to the effect of “don’t be surprised if you want to change more than your home.” You are both sneaky and clever, Marie. I LIKE IT.

    THE BIG LEAP by Gay Hendricks

    This book was the slap in the face I needed at the exact time I needed it. Now you might be wondering, “who wants to be slapped in the face?” and I am here to tell you that everyone needs it! Gay Hendricks was a life coach who knows what is best for you and understands why you aren’t getting it. He reveals this excellent concept called the Upper Limit problem, which is your way of reverting to your old habits or having something always stop you from REALLY breaking through to the other side, where your highest levels of happiness, love, and abundance exist.

    Before deciding to leave a full-time job, I read this book right and took THE BIG LEAP to do All Access Dietetics full-time. Once I did that, amazing things started to happen, and everything worked out (even the income that, at the time of the “leap,” I had no clue how I would make).

    So there you have it! If you have any other suggestions, I would love to hear them!

    PS. We love sharing our favorite resources with you! Make sure to check out our website for more life-changing materials.