Month: November 2017

  • The Resume Checklist You Must Use Before You Submit DICAS

    To “wow” the dietetic internship program selection committee and land the DI of your dreams, take your resume from average to awesome.

    As you apply to the dietetic internship program of your dreams, make sure you focus on including your best resume. The resume is meant to tell a story… quickly. Dietetic internship directors and selection committees can glance at your resume and within the first 20 seconds judge you on your organization skills and confidence level just by looking at it. Is it visually appealing? Does it show your experience in an organized way? Does it share enough quality information, or does it look like you are just trying to fill space with desperation and “fluff”?

    I’ve seen some pretty average resumes. I’ve also seen some AMAZING resumes. An amazing resume can help you go from an average nutrition student to an outstanding potential intern. Use it as an opportunity to highlight your past, present, and future.

    The Resume is Your First Impression. Make it Count!

    Take your resume from average –> amazing with this checklist below.


    P.S. ARE YOU IN YET? Sign up for the All Access Dietetics newsletter today to receive free monthly webinar invitations, resources, exclusive experience opportunities, and so much more!


  • How to Formulate Key Questions for Your Interview

    After landing an interview for your topic dietetic internship choice, learn to “wow” the director and get all of your questions answered!

    You finally got an interview for the dietetic internship you’ve been eyeing since freshman year. It went great, until the director asks the dreaded question…”do you have any questions for me?” It may seem that they are just asking a simple question, but often times they are trying to judge your interest in the program. Many interviewers think that if you don’t have any questions, you probably haven’t looked enough into their program or aren’t that serious about it. Here’s a fool-proof guide to impress your top program choice and get all of your questions answered!

    Do Your Research

    You don’t want to ask a question about something that you can find on their website. Most programs have websites on their rotations, tuition and fees, or other general topics. Scope out the site beforehand to get a grasp on the basics, and then formulate your questions afterwards on things that they might not go into detail about. They may also provide you more resources or connect you with the right people (think financial aid or housing) to help answer your questions.

    Don’t be Afraid to Ask About Non-Program Topics

    Ask your interviewer where the interns live, if they have a car or not, what the area is like… anything that would help you get a better feel for what life would be like if you were an intern in that program.

    Turn the Tables

    They got to interview you, now it’s your turn to interview them! They were once in your shoes too so don’t be afraid to ask them what they like about their profession, what got them to where they are today, or what their favorite part of the program is. This is your chance to connect with the director on a personal level!

    Look Towards the Future

    Don’t be afraid to ask about job placement rates or what else interns do after graduating from the program.

    Remember What to Avoid

    Of course, there are a few things you should avoid asking about. Don’t start questions with “when I get in…” as an interview doesn’t guarantee acceptance. Also, don’t ask questions that might be beyond their scope of expertise, such as financial aid specifics.

    Most importantly, always be yourself and be polite. The interview is a chance for the director to see who you are as whole –beyond your resume! Always thank them for their time afterwards and pop a sincere thank you note in the mail for the final touch.

    P.S. For 175 sample interview questions, sample answer strategies, our full guide to interview success, and more, check out the Get Matched Course.


  • Jenny’s Hilarious Deadline Day Story!

    Even Jenny has a unique dietetic internship application deadline day. Check out this hilarious story that every dietetics student can relate to!

    My Deadline Day Story…

    Once upon a time, I submitted my application to DICAS. Just kidding–it was 2008 and DICAS wasn’t invented yet. It was about 3pm on February 15 and I was in the computer lab at University of Illinois Union building printing out nice copies of my personal statements (that I had just finished tweaking for the 1083729209th time). I knew I had to be at the post office by 6pm so the materials could be postmarked on February 15, and I skipped all my classes (sorry Mom and Dad) to pull everything together. See…I waited until the last minute, although I still started months before the deadline. The problem is when you START in the last minute. Anyways, here I am printing out my applications, signing my name on the letters perfectly, and stuffing them into envelopes as slowly and carefully as I possibly could.

    Each application went into a different colored envelop with a label that had the name of the program on them. They would surely be impressed by organization, I thought! Then I realized each program would only see one envelope and would not benefit from the genius color coordination. Bummer.

    All the packets are ready to go, and by now it is 5:40pm (deadline 6:00pm). I walk with my dietetics friend, Selina, to the post office. And by walking, we sprinted down Green Street, the main street in our campus town. We filled out the paper work to do the certified mail option and do a self-address-stamped envelope so that programs could let us know when they received it. This took what felt like FOREVER.

    By now it is 5:55pm. We tell the employees, who at this point think we are beyond crazy because we are laughing so hard and freaking out and hurrying and making a huge scene. We tell them they MUST postmark this day, February 15. MUST. MUST. MUST. And we need to watch you do it with our own eyeballs! They looked back at us with their eyeballs wide, then bust into laughter, handed us the stamps, and let us postmark them ourselves. VICTORY.

    To celebrate, we walked over to Potbelly’s across the street and got Oreo milkshakes in true RD2Be fashion. We started laughing for no reason, which then turned into crying because we were SO TIRED. AND SO HAPPY.

    Just last winter, I met with my friend Selina in Chicago and we shared Oreo milkshakes, reminiscing that special, victorious moment so many years ago!

    When I work with my Get Matched Coaching clients, we typically have a phone call during the time they actually submit, and I get to relive the moment of submitting DI applications over and over again. Except typically my clients finish weeks before the deadline. They are still nervous but not that stressed since I made sure everything was perfect (hehe). But what is the same is that they laugh and possibly cry after the call knowing that they have gotten through this process. SO TIRED. AND SO HAPPY. I suggest they go get an Oreo milkshake ASAP.

    The funny part about the application is that I often find myself saying to them, “if you can get through this process, you can get through the dietetic internship.” They laugh in agreement, but I know it to be true.

    Here’s your challenge:

    Figure out what you are going to do once you submit! One idea is to post your #DONEwithDICAS moment on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook and tag All Access Dietetics! We’ll be reposting them all week. And if you need inspiration for more celebration, you can search the hashtag on Instagram for some AWESOMENESS from last year.


    P.S. ARE YOU IN YET? Download your free DICAS starter park here and learn how to apply to the dietetic internship program of your dreams!


  • 27 Skills to Highlight in the Dietetic Internship Application

    Both soft skills and hard skills can be incorporated into your dietetic internship application to help you land the program of your dreams!

    Developing your skillset before applying to dietetic internship programs is key to success for a happy Match Day. Seeking out volunteer, work, and leadership opportunities can help you gain skills that will make you a stand-out applicant and strong dietetic intern. Plus, these skills will lead you to achieve in your career as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist! But what skills should you aim to highlight on your DI application?

    If you need help selling yourself to dietetic internship selection committees, our coaches have the tools and strategies you need to take your application to the next level.

    Here are 27 skills that you should be SHOWING in your application.

    1. Communication Skills
      • Verbal
      • Written
    2. Honesty and Integrity
    3. Interpersonal Skills
      • Relates well to others
    4. Motivation and Initiative
    5. Strong Work Ethic
    6. Teamwork Skills
      • Works well with others
    7. Analytical Skills
    8. Flexibility and Adaptability
    9. Computer Skills
    10. Detail Oriented
    11. Professionalism
    12. Positive Attitude
    13. Time Management
    14. Dedication
    15. Discipline
    16. Goal Setting
    17. Commitment
    18. Multi-cultural Experience
    19. Leadership Skills
    20. Organizational Skills
    21. Self-confidence
    22. Friendly and Outgoing Personality
    23. Tactfulness
    24. Well Mannered and Polite
    25. Creativity
    26. GPA (3.0 or better)
    27. Entrepreneurial Skills

    What are your unique skills and qualities that let you stand out from the crowd? Sound off in the comments!

    P.S. Are you applying to the dietetic internship program of your dreams? Schedule your free call with Jenny to discuss your background, address any of your concerns, and decide on the next step for your dietitian journey!