Month: May 2019

  • Interview with Coaching Client Kristen Matthews

    Learn more about All Access Dietetics (AAD) in this interview with Kristen Matthews, who talks about some of her experiences with our coaching services!

    “AAD was worth the investment to me, because I had worked so hard as an undergrad and wanted to make sure that on match day I knew I did everything I could to get matched and that meant investing in a service that would help me achieve my goals.”

    Kristen Matthews

    Kristen Matthews, Get Matched Coaching client, shares her experience working with All Access Dietetics (AAD) and landing the dietetic internship of her dreams.

    Why did you decide to do Get Matched Coaching?

    I chose to use AAD because I knew that I was feeling a little lost when it came to program choices. I had a top internship but didn’t know how to figure out where else would be a good fit for me or what was realistic. In addition, I knew that I wanted assistance with my personal statement since I am not good at bragging about myself and was uncertain of how to format this type of essay. I had spent so much time in undergrad doing, “all of the things,” and needed help figuring out how to connect them all and show my accomplishments that without listing everything. I wanted to ensure that I was communicating effectively and had a cohesive vision in my personal statement.  In addition, I knew I would want interview prep assistance if it came to that. The DICAS application is unlike anything I have ever had to complete and very few people I know have ever been through it so I wanted the guidance and the sounding board of a coach to answer questions and reassure me when I didn’t know if I was doing the right thing.

    Why was AAD worth the investment to you?

    AAD was worth the investment to me because I had worked so hard as an undergrad and wanted to make sure that on match day I knew I did everything I could to get matched and that meant investing in a service that would help me achieve my goals. In my mind, I equated it to having a tutor. I had tutors all throughout high school and even college at times to help me succeed and learn, and to me, this application was no different. DICAS is such a dense and dynamic application, I wanted to make sure I was putting my best foot forward. And AAD was worth the investment to me so I had the peace of mind that I did everything in my power to get matched.   

    What did you enjoy most about your experience with AAD?

    I am the type of person that needs to talk through things, and so having coaching calls was a huge help. Talking through the thought process and ideas for my personal statement and just overall being able to just email at any time when I was filling out the other portions was so helpful in reducing application stress. I also think the coaches have a really great idea of what other programs fit with each applicant. I was struggling to pick my 2nd-4th choices and after speaking with my coach, sharing my interests, and what I was looking for in a program, she was able to recommend schools that fit my needs and also fit with my academics and were realistic. I know I felt overwhelmed and when looking over the excel spreadsheet of all the possibilities, I didn’t know where to start in narrowing it down, so that was a huge help.

    Were there any other unexpected benefits of your experience with AAD?

    The modules were a huge help and point of reference. When I signed up, I was looking more for the one-on-one coaching but having the modules in the course to keep referring back to at any time was super helpful and also helped me make the most of my coaching calls because I wasn’t asking unnecessary questions that were able to be answered from the modules.      

    Congratulations, Kristen on your match to your top choice dietetic internship – Vanderbilt University!

    P.S. Start your journey to a happy Match Day by getting a coach! Apply today for Get Matched Coaching.


  • 11 RDs with Instagram Feeds We Wish We Had

    Does your Instagram feed need a dietetics makeover? We’ve compiled a list of 11 dietitians with Instagram feeds of epic proportions to inspire you!

    RDs with aesthetically pleasing and insightful Instagram feeds make us happy. The world of Instagram and blogging is HARD. We want to give a big shout-out to 11 RDs advancing our profession one drool-worthy Instagram feed at a time! SNAPS FOR YOU RDs, SNAPS FOR YOU!


    McKel is all about stripping nutrition down to its simplest form to help you live and feel your best.

    1 rds instagram feeds


    Megan is a plant-based dietitian sharing real food and natural living inspiration through beautiful and bright images.

    2 rds instagram feeds


    Sara specializes in Hormone and Gut Health! She creates easy to understand and eye-catching infographics regarding women’s hormones!

    3 rds instagram feeds


    Lili is a mindful eating expert! She shares tips for trusting yourself and loving your body the way it is!

    4 rds instagram feeds


    Abigail is a world-wide traveler and foodie! She makes us envious of her life with her beautiful photos!

    5 rds instagram feeds


    Lydni is an Australian based TV dietitian who calls out “wellness wankery”. We appreciate you, Lyndi!

    6 rds instagram feeds


    Rachel provides simple and budget friendly recipes for college students! She’s mastered the art of meal prepping!

    7 rds instagram feeds


    Lauren’s bio says it all, “eat more plants”. We can’t wait to make one of your recipes, Lauren!

    8 rds instagram feeds


    Miranda is a RD and natural foods chef inspiring home cooks of all skill levels to get into the kitchen and cook healthy.

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    Alexis shares awesome recipes you can find on her blog and gives you a look into the awesome life of an RD + Entrepreneur.

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     May shares her definition of a healthy lifestyle with epic images! You’re making us hungry, May!

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    BONUS: Check out our Q&A with @dietitiandeanna here!

    By no means have we even come close to the amount of dietitians crushing it on Instagram! We wish we could @ every RD, the limit would not exist! Hopefully, these dietitians inspire you as much as they inspire us.