Month: August 2019

  • ACEND Accredited Program Database: Pro Tip

    Narrowing down the dietetic internship or RD program of your dreams takes determination and skill. Our ACEND Accredited Program database will help you make your best choice!

    You may have already seen our ACEND Accredited Program Database, but here’s a pro tip:

    >> Download the database to your computer, and then open it up in Microsoft Excel.

    >> Go to the Master Tab document, and in the first row in each column, you can click the down arrow to filter each column. 

    That means you can check off any qualities you want in each column. This makes it simple to narrow down your choices!


    (The link to the ACEND Accredited Program Database is in our free Dietetic Internships Toolkit. It’s filled with more FREE application resources for you!)

    P.S. Imagine working one-on-one with an expert coach to walk you through the competitive application process and increase your chances of landing a spot. Click here to learn more about Get Matched Coaching!


  • Should You Consider the DTR Exam?

    Ryan Hartz, the founder of Visual Veggies, shares his wisdom on the option of taking the DTR exam if a dietetic internship/RD program doesn’t pan out.

    Guest Post by Ryan Hartz, Founder of Visual Veggies

    You completed four years of undergraduate work in Nutrition and Dietetics and graduated with a well-respected GPA, but you were not matched to a dietetic internship program.  Now what? Don’t fret. It’s not the end of the world.  Getting matched to an accredited internship program has become highly competitive.  When I was in your shoes some 15 years ago, we had the choice of which internship program we wanted to join without having to worry much that we wouldn’t get into any of our top picks.  Times have changed as it appears the nutrition profession has exploded over the past several years.  More and more young nutrition pups are entering the field, and simply not enough dietetic internship programs to accommodate.

    With not getting matched to an internship, you may want to consider taking the DTR Exam.  A Dietetic Technician, Registered (DTR) is an eligible candidate who can work in many areas of nutrition similar to Registered Dietitians (RDs), such as:

    • – Clinical settings include hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, hospice care organizations, and home health care programs.  DTRs can conduct nutrition screenings, gather nutrition data, and perform other tasks to assist R.D.s in providing medical nutrition therapy.
    • – Community settings include WIC offices, public health agencies, Meals on Wheels, and other community health programs.  DTRs can develop and teach nutrition classes for the public.
    • – Food service settings, such as schools, daycare centers, correctional facilities, and restaurants.  DTRs can manage employees, assist with purchasing and preparing foods, and prepare budgets within the foodservice operations.
    • – Wellness settings, such as health clubs, weight management clinics, and community wellness centers.  DTRs can educate clients about the connection between food, fitness, and health
    • – Food company settings, such as contract food management, vending, and distribution centers.  DTRs can develop menus, oversee sanitation and food safety, and prepare food labeling information and nutrient analysis.

    Stepping Stone for the RD EXAM

    I always like to think “glass half-full.”  If you’re a student who did not match for an internship in this round, consider these potential advantages of taking the DTR Exam:

    • – With obtaining your bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and Dietetics, you are already eligible to sit for the national DTR Exam
    • – Both the RD Exam and DTR Exam are computerized tests, following the same format. Taking the DTR Exam will give you experience taking the test and hopefully prepare you for what’s to come in the R.D. Exam.
    • – Our friends over at All Access Dietetics tell us that dietetic internship/RD program directors value the DTR credentials highly because it shows an applicant can successfully pass a national board exam.
    • – While having the DTR credentials will not guarantee a successful match to an internship on the next round, you will be able to use the credentials on your application as demonstrating knowledge and a commitment to the profession in the event you lack paid or volunteer dietetics-related experiences.
    • – Passing the DTR Exam will make you marketable and allow you to start practicing in various fields to gain experience and earn some money, which may be used to help pay off school loans or save for your upcoming dietetic internship.

    Ready to begin studying for the DTR Exam? Check out the Visual Veggies Software specifically designed to help you become a DTR and start your career in dietetics!

    P.S. If the RD exam is in your future, Pass the Exam Coaching is your solution! Click here to learn more.