Month: September 2020

  • 5 Tips for Future Dietitians During COVID-19

    Five tips to help future dietitians during COVID-19 as they navigate online classes, canceled experiences, and mental health struggles.

    1. Create your workspace.

    • Choose a dedicated workspace, ideally with natural light
    • Optimize your setup with a pitcher of water, blue light glasses, and laptop stand
    • Implement a morning routine that will set you up for success
    • Eliminate distracting background noise with a white noise machine
    • Add positive energy to your workspace with plants, photos, and candles.

    2. Manage your time.

    • Schedule regular work hours and breaks and stick to them
    • Work when you are most productive
    • Identify your top priorities for the day
    • Time block 2-3 hours to complete each task, starting with the most important task
    • Eliminate notification distractions by turning on Do not Disturb

    3. Build transitions in and out of work or school.

    • Create clear boundaries between work and home
    • Pick a definitive end time for each day
    • Pack up your home workspace each evening
    • Silence notifications from work and school at the end of the day
    • Keep the rituals you had, like working out, listening to music, and meal prepping

    4. Get virtual experience.

    • Utilize social media networks to find the virtual experience 
    • Search online for remote nutrition experience in your area 
    • Email past professors and mentors to ask for advice
    • Pitch a remote internship idea to a Registered Dietitian working in an area of interest
    • Please explain how you would be an asset and help the organization overcome challenges they are facing at this time

    5. Practice a healthy mindset.

    • Focus your energy on what you can control
    • Turn obstacles into opportunities 
    • Remember that you are not alone in this journey 
    • Practice positive affirmations daily 
    • Permit yourself to take unscheduled breaks to reset
    • Go for a 15-minute walk, listen to your favorite song or podcast, call a friend, or meditate

    BONUS! Use these resources to make connections.