Month: November 2021

  • 5 Tips to Be an Awesome Dietetic Intern and Still Live Your Best Life

    Life as a dietetic intern can be challenging. However, you can still live your best life while being excellent in your rotations.

    If you’re starting a dietetic internship, your first thought might be, “I will not have time for a single thing!”. You might think that the dietetic internship is going to consume every second of your life or think, “there is no way I can be an awesome dietetic intern AND still live my best life.”

    As a dietetic intern, let me be the first to tell you that I can still do the things I enjoy. I go out on Saturday nights with my friends, sleep in on Sundays if I choose to, and have time for my workouts. I did not expect to live my best life while being a dietetic intern. Living my best life does not mean neglecting my work or being anything less than an awesome dietetic intern. I am just allowing myself to live my best life throughout this process to start each week happy and refreshed.

    I want to share the 5 tips that will help you be an awesome dietetic intern while still living your best life:

    1. Choose Progress Over Perfection

    Our preceptors have been in our shoes; they do not expect us to have all the answers. As a dietetic intern, you are there to make mistakes and learn from them. To live your best life, stop aiming for perfection and focus more on the little successes you make each day. Get things done to the best of your ability, and do not be afraid to ask questions. The less pressure you apply on yourself, the happier you will be in your rotations, and the more work you will get done during the week instead of the weekends. 

    2. Set a Daily Top 3

    Every day write down three minor “to-do’s” and commit to them! If you are stressing over an assignment, add that to your to-do list. Set aside an hour or two during or after your rotation time to get it done. It is such a satisfying feeling when you can check something off your list. Before you know it, you check off curriculum assignments left and right, and the extra time you have will be for yourself.

    3. Prioritize Your Health to Be an Awesome Dietetic Intern

    On the first day of orientation, my director said, “I want you to focus on your health, your family, and the internship in that order.” If we don’t do something for our mental or physical health each day, we are more likely to feel stressed or overwhelmed. Add exercise, mediation, or journaling to your nonnegotiable to-do list. An awesome dietetic intern takes care of themselves first and brings that positive energy with them to their rotations.

    Check out these five tips to stay sane during your dietetic internship!

    4. Communicate Your Needs with Your Preceptor

    If you are working part-time, have a family to take care of, or want to spend the time outside of your rotation on yourself, let your preceptor know. First, politely ask your preceptor what days or hours you can sit in a quiet office during the week. Next, use this time to work on your curriculum assignments or study some topics you feel uncomfortable with.

    Setting this time during your rotation hours to do curriculum work will give you the time to live your best life in the evenings or on the weekends while still fulfilling your responsibilities as a dietetic intern.

    5. Take Advantage of Opportunities Your Preceptor Offers

    If your preceptor needs you to join an intern panel or help with an open-house event and you have the hour or two to spare, take the opportunity. Take advantage of opportunities and show your preceptor how awesome and committed you are to helping the dietetic internship succeed.

    It would be best not to think the dietetic internship will be 9-12 months of no fun and adventures. It will be. You need to set boundaries with yourself early on and commit to making this process the most fulfilling and exciting part of your dietetics journey.

    Here are some great examples of ways you can survive the dietetic internship!

    P.S. If you are worried about your clinical rotation keeping you from living your best life, sign up for these FREE samples of our Real World Clinical Toolkit.

    P.P.S. Special thank you to Samantha Maldonado, distance dietetic intern at Komplete Business Dietetic Internship and former Get Matched Coaching client, for contributing to this blog!