Month: May 2022

  • 4 Helpful Tips on How to Build Your Tribe in Dietetics

    Being a dietetics student or intern can be lonely if you are having a difficult time finding your tribe. Read this blog for 4 helpful tips!

    Being a dietetics student or dietetic intern is an exciting time.  There is so much to learn and discover on your personal journey. It can also be a lonely time if you are having difficult time finding your tribe. This means looking for likeminded people that can identify with your wins, challenges, and dreams. You are looking for a tribe you can laugh and cry with. You want to find those that believe in your dreams. This task doesn’t have to be as difficult as you think. Plus, these connections can help you further down the line with resume construction, preceptor recommendations, and networking that can lead you to the role of your dreams.  Want to learn how to find your tribe? Keep reading.

    Here are 4 tips that will help you locate your dietetics “village”:



    #1- Join your school’s student dietetic association.

    If your school has a nutrition or dietetics program, it will likely have a student dietetics group, club, or association.  Here, you will find likeminded students that will understand your journey and have similar dreams as you. You can also join an association connected to your specific field of interest. Check out this list of dietetic practice groups (that also have student members!) to learn more. Relationships that start in college can span your collegiate career and beyond.  You can even be connected to alumni of your student dietetic association that may have a similar interest and are farther along in their career than you. With your current classmates, these same people you spend hours with studying the Krebs Cycle may be some of the same people that may be at your life celebrations, grand openings of your business and having coffee dates in the future.  They say your network determines your net worth.  So, build that network!


    #2- Get a mentor.

    As a Dietetic Intern, I have benefitted from having several mentors.  Mentors can offer tips on elective courses to take that can enrich your college experience and they can offer advice and give input on the challenges you encounter and how to navigate them. They can share what has worked for them and missteps that they made so that you can avoid them. Mentors are a golden ticket to knowledge as you decide what road you want to take in your career. I have been matched with an amazing mentor through Diversify Dietetics, as well as individuals I’ve met at conferences and even networking events. Attending your first nutrition and dietetics conference is an important and exciting step in becoming a Registered Dietitian. Mentors are for every part of your career. All Access Dietetics has an Alumni group for their clients, where you can apply to join a Mastermind group, which is essentially a group of mentors! Learn more about the alumni group here.

    #3- Look at online communities.

    Even if you happen to be physically alone, technology ensures you are never alone! This is the digital age; connections can be made as you sit at your laptop and in your most comfy pajamas. There are many communities just waiting for you to introduce yourself and be a part of Facebook groups like Registered Dietitians and Future RD’s Community, RD & RD2BE Community, The Unconventional RD Community” and many more. Advice is shared in these groups from resume building to places to consider getting volunteer experience that will assist with your DICAS application.


    #4- Create your own mastermind group.

    If you aren’t in the All Access Dietetics Alumni group, you can create your very own mastermind group. Take the reins and assemble a cohort of classmates, fellow dietetic interns and agree to meet up in-person or virtually once month to discuss plans and ideas.  You can encourage each other while taking steps to meet your own goals with a supportive group of your own creation. This is an excellent place to brain dump and strategize.  Who knows?  Your mastermind group could create its own product or business.  The sky is the limit. 

    P.S. If you are worried about your clinical rotation keeping you from living your best life, sign up for these FREE samples of our Real World Clinical Toolkit.

    P.P.S. Special thank you to Danielle Smiley, distance dietetic intern at Komplete Business Dietetic Internship for contributing to this blog! You can reach her on her website or on IG!