Being a dietetic intern is stressful. How does one stay sane? Dietetic intern, Stephanie Lewis, shares her top five tips in this post.
Whether you’re currently going through a dietetic internship, completing your DPD program, or just trying to decide if dietetics is the career path meant for you – it’s essential to know what’s ahead. I will graduate from the Be Well Solutions Distance Dietetic Internship (a 10-month supervised training program) and complete a rotation with All Access Dietetics! I have five tips to share that helped me stay sane throughout this journey.
If you’re still in your dietetics program and haven’t applied for dietetic internships yet, here are some tips on how to be an excellent dietetics student!
1. Connect with Peers
Connecting with new people can sometimes be scary, but you will not regret it 9 times out of 10. Having individuals on your side who are going through the same experience produces a feeling of safety and comfort. During my internship with Be Well Solutions, we had a daily group chat with 4 of us that helped us stay connected. We all met in dietetic internship orientation and exchanged contact information; this was helpful and encouraging throughout the program!
2. Move Your Body
Make time for body movement each day. Prioritizing your health is essential if you want to put your best self forward as a dietetic intern. When you feel your best, you perform your best. Exercising produces feel-good hormones and will make you feel productive. This can be any movement. If you enjoy running, take a quick run on your lunch break. If you enjoy dancing, set time aside to get your moves on! Regardless of what movement means to you, our bodies were created to move. Show your body some love!
3. Listen & Read
Turning on your favorite tunes, listening to your favorite podcast, and even reading your favorite book can elevate your mood. When you are stressed or overwhelmed, these can help get your mind off of everything going on in your life. Balancing supervised practice hours alongside homework and work can be stressful: scheduling even one hour for yourself can make all the difference.
4. Celebrate Accomplishments
Celebrate your victories, regardless of how big or small they are. Whether it means getting your nails done after completing each rotation or even taking yourself out to dinner for turning in an assignment you spent hours completing. Celebrating your victories will give you something to look forward to throughout your dietetic internship. One example of a way to celebrate “you” is to pick up this cute pineapple badge holder!
5. Communication
Being an effective communicator will serve you well throughout your dietetics career. Generally speaking, communicating openly with your preceptors and asking good questions is expected! Preceptors appreciate regular communication as this allows you to build a strong rapport. Try to show your appreciation for their time and support! Continuing those relationships with your preceptors after your rotation is over helps you begin to build your professional network. Understanding that your preceptors have once been in your position helps to make things a little less intimidating. 🙂 They are here to help you and want you to learn.
“Focus on what you can control, and don’t waste energy on things you cannot” – Unknown
There are so many other tips that I did not list that could help someone stay sane, but these top five tips have helped me tremendously over the past year. I have about two weeks left in my internship, so I’ve experienced enough to be able to share what has helped me. I hope you can use these tips to stay sane during your dietetic internship. Good luck!
P.S. It is never too early to start studying for the RD exam! Check out Pass the Exam Prep, powered by the Study Smarter Method, to help you have a happy Exam Day.
P.P.S. If you have not applied for dietetic internships yet, the application process is stressful and competitive. We are here to help make it easier for you! Get the support you need to land a dietetic internship and begin your career by working with an expert coach.