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There is a lot to know about the RD Exam.
Not only do you need to understand the material, you also need to know how the exam works and the most effective way to study for the exam. This is not like a typical college exam!
What's inside...
These are all samples from our complete Pass Class program!
WEBINAR: How to Pass the RD Exam On The First try
The RD Exam Basics
The RD Exam Outline
How to Set up a Study Schedule
Goal Setting Worksheets
Terms to Know Worksheets
How to Study for the RD Exam
Pass the Exam Prep Study Worksheets
105-Page MNT Resource
3 Mini-Lessons from Pass Class Community
Pass Class 90-Minute Management Review Session Recording
The Exam Toolkit is designed to teach you everything you need to know about the RD exam in a streamlined and simple way. No more Google searching and reading random blog posts all over the Internet!
Know what's coming while you still have time
The Exam Toolkit is designed to help you understand the RD Exam process and what you need to understand to prepare for this important step in your RD journey. The earlier you understand this, the better!
How to Get Started
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Since 2008, we've made it easier to become a dietitian by coaching thousands of future dietitians to get accepted to dietetics programs, pass the RD exam, and become confident dietitians.