Submitting your DICAS application is an incredible feat! Here are some fun ways to celebrate before landing the dietetic internship of your dreams.
Congratulations on finally hitting the submit button on your DICAS application!
The All Access Dietetics team has put together a list of ways we think you should celebrate! Share your #DoneWithDICAS photo with us on social media (D.M. us if your account is private), and we will add it to our album!
- Have a large glass (or two) of an adult beverage, but drink responsibly, people!
- Sign up for an excellent fitness class and sweat out that stress.
- Schedule a facial, massage, or another spa service.
- Do a happy dance!
- Eat a meal or snack that is NOT nutritious at all.
- Sleeeeeeeep, then sleep some more… then take a nap.
- Reset with a road trip somewhere nearby, but far, far away from your computer.
- Hide all internship notes and don’t look at them (until you need to for the interviews).
- Host a party with your dietetics friends!
- Have a Netflix binge.
- Take a trip to the grocery store and go crazy (doesn’t everyone like to spend time looking at new foods there or just us? LOL).
- Try a new recipe for anything you are craving.
- Bake some goodies and bring them to your dietetics class!
- Spend a weekend at home with the family, significant other, or friends you have been completely ignoring the past few weeks.
- Treat yourself to a much-deserved lazy day off from everything to completely disconnect.
- Tell EVERYONE you’re done… tweet it, Instagram it, Facebook it, Snapchat it, blog it, even yell it.
- Take yourself on a trip to the movies!
- Have a night out on the town and dance your heart out.
- Start reading a new book and cuddle up with a cup of tea.
- Check DICAS off of your to-do list (even if you write it on your list and then immediately cross it off, it will feel amazing).
- Share your trips with future applicants by making a video, posting to social media, blog, etc.
- Start a blog with the free time you now have!
- Go bowling with a group of friends, family, or fellow DICAS survivors.
- Buy yourself a new outfit (but don’t go crazy… you will have an internship to pay for!).
- Watch an inspiring TedTalk like this one on power posing to get you ready for your interviews!
View Our #DONEWITHDICAS Facebook Album!