We've helped 5,000+ future dietitians prepare for the RD exam!

Take the Mock Exam to feel confident on Exam Day

125 mock RD exam questions created by our tutoring team

Set up like an exam with one question per screen to mimic the exam experience

Split into the same percentages of Domain materials like the RD exam

Hear what RD2BEs have to say...

“The questions were fairly worded and involved a lot of critical thinking skills. I found it very helpful that the answers provided what resource the correct answer came from as it will allow me to dive deeper into concepts that I consistently missed. Given that my exam is almost a week away, I will use this time to review concepts that I struggled with on this mock exam.”
-Ariana V.

“Taking the Mock Exam allowed me to practice my skills and see the topics I still need a bit of practice on. It also calmed my nerves since prepping for the exam is stressful. It was a huge help with my last week of studying.”
– Hollie G.

Get the Mock Exam Today

When you get the mock exam, you’ll receive: 

125-Question Mock Exam
One question per screen to mimic an online exam
$50 value

Answer Key
Includes domain topic covered
$30 value

Total Value: $80


Frequently Asked Questions

How does scoring work?
You will see how many questions you answered correctly out of 125.
You will receive an emailed report of your answers to then compare to the Answer Key. Questions are not weighted.

How long will I have access?
You will have access to the Pass Class Mock Exam (hosted in Teachable) until you pass your RD exam.

How many times can I take the mock exam?
As many times as you would like! It will be the same 125 questions each time and in the same order.

Is the mock exam timed?
No, we recommend setting a timer to mimic the exam environment.

Is it the same 125 questions each time? Will the questions change?
If you take the Pass Class Mock Exam more than once, it will be the same 125 questions each time.

Does the Answer Key include a rationale?
No, but there’s a reason! The Study Smarter Method that is used in Pass Class recommends that you use active learning to research rationales on your own, rather than memorizing rationales. You’ll better develop the critical thinking skills necessary to pass the exam. For Pass Class customers: The Answer Key will also tell you where you can find answers in the  study resources.