While summer may have been a time to relax from ages 5 through 18, it now means something different as a nutrition and dietetics student.
Time to say goodbye to 3 months of pool party freedom and hello to building your resume, your brand, and most importantly: yourself. I know what you’re thinking; I’ve worked all year long and deserve a break! And to that, I say, of course, you do. But I believe this summer, you will kick back and relax while also driving it into high gear, RD2BE style. Here are a few of my tips for staying professional this summer.
1. Create an online portfolio.
If you haven’t already designed your online space, now is the time to do so! Your online portfolio is only as involved and prepared as you want it to be. Make sure to give yourself time to make it great.
2. Volunteer.
Chances are, there are people in need right around the corner from you. Whether you devote your time to an organization such as a soup kitchen, church group, or your old high school, or you, decide to take on more personal projects by helping out your elderly neighbor, make sure to lend a helping hand. Not only does this help your resume, but it creates a more well-rounded and experienced version of yourself. Who doesn’t want that!?
3. Read a book.
It doesn’t have to be a nutrition-related book. Maybe it’s that hip romance novel everyone is reading, a classic, or your old favorite. Pick up a paper book and put down your screen. You spend enough time working for a screen during the school year to last a lifetime!
4. Listen to a podcast.
My favorite way of doing this is to slip on my tennis shoes, put in my earbuds, and head out for a walk as my favorite podcast fills my ears. It’s relaxing and informative, and I believe we all need to get out of our headspace for a little while.
5. Clean up your social media.
I get it; we all have fun. Although, my idea of fun might be reading a good book and enjoying some sweet tea. But whatever your idea of fun is, make sure it remains respectable on the internet. Everyone can see your adventures as they’re posted online, so make sure you’re posting things your Mom wouldn’t mind seeing.
6. Work.
Ugh- boring, I know. But the good thing about working over the summer is saving money. And that’s something we all need to do! Think of it as an investment in your future dietetic internship (and maybe for that purse you’ve been eyeing all year).
7. Do your research.
Maybe your next step is beginning a DPD program, heading off to your dietetic internship, or even applying to graduate schools. Whatever place you’re born to in the fall, make sure to spend some time doing your research for it this summer. Being prepared is the best way to ease into the school year and maintain positive energy.
8. Have fun!
Maybe summer doesn’t have the same meaning as it did when you were younger, but summer can still be as memorable as you want it to be. Travel and see friends, drive with the windows down and your favorite song blasting, and take more than enough pictures. Being relaxed can lead to creativity and relaxation, so let yourself feel a bit free!
Some people love summer, and few people hate it. But wherever you stand on the debate, make sure to spend your summer wisely. Your career will thank you for it! Most importantly, enjoy another summer with good food, good people, and good memories.