After landing an interview for your topic dietetic internship choice, learn to “wow” the director and get all of your questions answered!
You finally got an interview for the dietetic internship you’ve been eyeing since freshman year. It went great, until the director asks the dreaded question…”do you have any questions for me?” It may seem that they are just asking a simple question, but often times they are trying to judge your interest in the program. Many interviewers think that if you don’t have any questions, you probably haven’t looked enough into their program or aren’t that serious about it. Here’s a fool-proof guide to impress your top program choice and get all of your questions answered!
Do Your Research
You don’t want to ask a question about something that you can find on their website. Most programs have websites on their rotations, tuition and fees, or other general topics. Scope out the site beforehand to get a grasp on the basics, and then formulate your questions afterwards on things that they might not go into detail about. They may also provide you more resources or connect you with the right people (think financial aid or housing) to help answer your questions.
Don’t be Afraid to Ask About Non-Program Topics
Ask your interviewer where the interns live, if they have a car or not, what the area is like… anything that would help you get a better feel for what life would be like if you were an intern in that program.
Turn the Tables
They got to interview you, now it’s your turn to interview them! They were once in your shoes too so don’t be afraid to ask them what they like about their profession, what got them to where they are today, or what their favorite part of the program is. This is your chance to connect with the director on a personal level!
Look Towards the Future
Don’t be afraid to ask about job placement rates or what else interns do after graduating from the program.
Remember What to Avoid
Of course, there are a few things you should avoid asking about. Don’t start questions with “when I get in…” as an interview doesn’t guarantee acceptance. Also, don’t ask questions that might be beyond their scope of expertise, such as financial aid specifics.
Most importantly, always be yourself and be polite. The interview is a chance for the director to see who you are as whole –beyond your resume! Always thank them for their time afterwards and pop a sincere thank you note in the mail for the final touch.
P.S. For 175 sample interview questions, sample answer strategies, our full guide to interview success, and more, check out the Get Matched Course.