Not everyone understands what it is like to be a dietetics student, but these fellow students tweets accurately describe the life of a dietetics major.
We’re not sure what we enjoy more studying dietetics or reading tweets about the life of studying dietetics! We have complied a list of some of the best Tweet descriptions of what it is like to be an #RD2BE!
1. The only way to write a scientific journal article is with cookies!

2. I think we can all agree, we love eating food and talking about food!

3. Oh, the memories! Shout out to all the #RD2BE’s in their DI’s!

4. We do it for the tacos.

5. If we had a dollar for every tear we shed we could afford the dietetic internship!

6. Precisely and spell, “DieTITian”.

7. But seriously, does Betty Crocker even know this much about muffins?

8. Mind yo business Aunt Betty, mind yo business!!

In all seriousness, our major is HARD! It’s comforting knowing other students share the same trials and tribulations as you. Know that we are proud are you! Keep the hysterical and accurate tweets coming! We love em’!
Check out some life tips for surviving as a dietetics student!

This is fabulous, what a great way to brighten my day between semesters in my dietetics program! Great job!