D&D Digital internship matching helps future dietitians get matched to a dietetic internship or RD program. Learn how this system works below.
Why Should I Use D&D Digital?
D&D Digital internship matching is the website that collects applicants’ Dietetic Internship (DI) program rankings and also helps DI program directors receive applications. To be eligible for a match, you must create a D&D Digital account AND a DICAS account (check out our blog post: What is DICAS and How Does it Work). We recommend that applicants register online with D&D Digital early to prevent any potential ssues.
First, the applicant must register online. Each matching period requires a new application registration. If the applicant is applying to the pre-select admission option, they don’t need to register for D&D Digital. The registration requires an address and billing information. D&D Digital charges application fees to use its system for the match.
Internship Choices
After registering, the applicant can enter the internships in his or her priority order by ranking it under “Internship Choices” and saving the choices. There is an opportunity for applicants who have registered for the match by the deadline for completing the DICAS application to reorder their DI priority rankings after the deadline.
Release and Verification Information
The applicant has the option to have his or her name released on the list of applicants who were or were not matched under the “Release and Verification Information”.
Dietetic Internship Matching Process – Matching Results
The matching process uses both the applicant and the DI program’s ranking to create the final class list. First, the D&D Matching algorithm removes internship rankings of applicants that did not list them and vice versa. D&D looks at the matching window of the applicant’s ranked preferences and matches it to the DI programs.
After the applicant ranks and saves their internship choices and the D&D matching algorithm matches the applicants and the programs, the applicant will check “Matching Results” on match day to see where he or she got matched.
How to Get Ahead of the Game
With the match rate hovering around 60%, the competition is fierce. With Get Matched Coaching, you’ll work one-on-one with an expert coach who will be in your corner to help you through every step of this competitive and confusing application process. Click here to learn more!