It’s not easy applying and matching to dietetic internship programs. Thousands of applicants apply each year but the dietetic internship match rate is 60%.
Each year, The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics releases dietetic internship match rate statistics. These statistics include the number of internship openings, applicants who apply, applicants that match, and percentage of matched applicants.
What is Computer Matching?
D&D Digital Systems is a computer matching service contracts to facilitate the dietetic internship matching process. The website collects the applicant’s dietetic internship program rankings and helps internship programs match with applicants from their choices.
Changes in Number of Openings
The number of openings in which applicants can apply to has quadrupled over the last two and a half decades. Between 2018-2019 there was an increase of 2% in the number of dietetic internship openings. However, the number of applicants who apply annually is increasing causing a tremendous amount of competition.
Changes in Number of Applicants
Over the past decade the number of applicants has averaged 5,853 individuals and continues to grow while openings averaged 3,504. Likewise, only 67% (two thirds) of applicants match to a dietetic internship programs. Between 2018 and 2019, there was an 11% decrease in the number of applicants. The limited acceptance rate of interns each year may be deterring applicants from applying.
Changes in Applicants Matched
Over the past two and a half decades, the number of applicants matched to programs has steadily declined.
What is being done about this?
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is using incentives to encourage current dietitians to become preceptors. The academy has initiated Outstanding Preceptor Awards each year for six preceptors who are exemplary educators and mentors. This award includes a $1,000 reimbursement towards expenses for attending FNCE. As well as recognition at the Academy Member Showcase and NDEP Member Meetings at FNCE.
Those who chose to precept are offered up to 15 CPEUs per 5 year cycle. Preceptors can earn an additional 8 CPEU for attending a free Preceptor Training Program. These motivators have increased the number of preceptors available. More needs to be done to combat the recurrent issue of less than 60% of applicants being matched annually.
For more information click here to view the changes that have in the number of internship openings, applicants, applicants matched, and percentage of matched applicants since 1993.
Are you applying for a dietetic internship? Check out our blog on the Steps for Applying to a Dietetic Internship Program! Click here!