Dietetic internships are supervised practice programs that bring you one step closer to becoming a Registered Dietitian. Learn more from Jenny below!
Dietetic internship programs consist of supervised practice, which is required (in addition to didactic coursework) to become a Registered Dietitian. Sadly, dietetic internships are extremely competitive! It is important to understand the basics. Watch this video below to learn more.
Dietetic Internships 101 Webinar
The key components
- To be eligible for a DI you must have your DPD courses completed and a bachelors degree
- You typically apply during your final semester of school
- Matching takes place in the Fall and Spring
- The dietetic internship consists of 1200 hours of supervised practice in clinical, foodservice, and community sites
- It is usually completed within 8-24 months
- You are eligible to take the CDR Exam to become an RD once you have completed the DI
The different types of programs
- University affiliated programs
- Hospital affiliated programs
- Corporation
- Military
- VA
- Distance programs
- Combined programs: MS + DI, MPH + DI
- Individualized Supervised Practice Programs (ISPP)
How do you decide which program is best for you? There are so many different routes to take. While all programs meet the same basic requirements each program has unique qualities that can make it a better fit for you. Is your dream to be a clinical dietitian? Do you want to work in the community setting? Would you rather work for a large corporation? Do you want to get a Masters’ degree? This is where you have to really do some soul-searching and figure out what YOU want out of a program.
It may seem like there is A LOT of programs to choose from so matching to a dietetic internship shouldn’t be a problem, right? WRONG. Only 65% of applicants match to a dietetic internship.
BE PREPARED. We’ve worked with enough applicants to know what it takes to be truly match-worthy! Take the free assessment below to find out where you stand and what you need to do to have a happy Match Day.