Take the time to investigate your options and think about what you want to get out of your dietetic internship. Follow these tips to help you decide.
What do you want out of an internship? This is a big question that can help you find your best path to becoming a Registered Dietitian. In this post, I will go through some ways to help you make that decision.
Define What you Want
What do YOU want out of your dietetic internship? We all know by now that there is a great possibility we might not get matched with our first choice, but do you want to sit back and wonder what if? I have heard of students who decided not to apply somewhere because they thought it was too tough to get in, even though it may have been their dream internship.
Keep in mind that this is a time in your life where you can afford to be a little selfish. I realize that many people are not in a situation where they can move around the country, but if you are, embrace it! Be sure that you are choosing internships that are right for you based on your needs and wants, not based on convenience or the desires of others. If your top choice happens to be across the street or happens to be the same one that your best friend is ranking first, then that’s great! If not, listen to your gut– it’s usually right.
Many factors differentiate each internship program from the other. Consider what you can realistically afford to do and choose from programs that match your interests and experiences. I was willing to look across the country for internships.
I knew I wanted a general emphasis, was attracted to teaching hospitals, did not want a graduate degree yet, and wanted the option to do an elective rotation in Chicago (my hometown). Massachusetts General Hospital offered all of that to me, and that is where I got matched. When you apply to programs that match what you are interested in, your genuine enthusiasm for the program will shine through to the selection committee and reflect well on your application. The match works two ways—both you and the program should fit well with each other. Proving you are the perfect fit is what the application is for! Let’s dive deeper into defining what you want in an internship.
Deciding Factors
- Location
- Cost
- Emphasis
- Grad School
- Electives
- Affiliation
- Rotation Sites
Final Thoughts
Have an open mind, and don’t be limited by the internship location, unless you desire to live in a particular area. Also, keep that open mind as you go through your internship; you could start with a passion for pediatrics and end with a passion for geriatrics!
Visit the internship program if it is logistically and financially possible. Meet the internship director; let the director put a face with your name! Also, observe the surrounding location of the internship and what that city has to offer. If you don’t like the site, it will make the internship that much harder. Contact previous interns and get their feedback about their experience beyond the workday. Past dietetic interns are more likely to tell you about how they de-stressed from the internship than directors. And again, have an open mind when applying and as you go through your internship program.
Make it Happen
- Develop your list of deciding factors and define what you want out of an internship.
- Keep these deciding factors in mind as your narrow down your list of worthy programs.
- Start going through options early on! The earlier you start, the better off you will be.
- Create a top-10 list, and narrow it down to your final 4-5 choices at least two months before the deadline.