Not getting matched to a dietetic internship or RD program is not the end of your journey! There are options to help you become a registered dietitian.
If you didn’t match… first of all, everything happens for a reason. I truly believe that. If you don’t get matched, it is not a failure, it is a LESSON. You can reflect on what you could have done differently, get feedback from directors, and formulate a game plan for how you are going to LEARN from this lesson.
And persistence does pay off. I’ve seen many discussions on Facebook groups about the journeys that RD2Bes have gone through to reach their destination of becoming an RD. Applying 2, 3, 4, 6 times over the course of 1, 2, 3, or more years! In that time, they get awesome jobs, more education, and application help to change their outcome. There is hope for you if you are willing to put in the extra work it takes!
Here are a few things to do…
1. Get ready for the second round match.
After Match Day, there will be a list posted on D&D Digital of programs that still have spots. ISPPs are also posted there, too. Applicants can apply to these, and this is considered “second round.”
2. Email program directors for feedback.
After Match Day, program directors may reach out to certain unmatched applicants if they have an open spot. This is a rare occurrence, but it does happen! I suggest you reach out to the directors of programs you applied to and ask if they have any feedback to share. Make it a thoughtful email knowing that they might get a LOT of these. This may or may not help your chances if they have a spot available — it is worth a shot!
3. Research ISPPs by going to each individual ISPP website to understand their program.
First, find out what an ISPP is here. Next, use the Academy’s database to find available ISPPs. From now until a few weeks later, most second round programs and ISPPs will accept applications. Some programs will fill open spots fast while others might set a deadline farther out and wait to get all applicants.
Remember this: While you might not realize it now, it WILL be OK. Stay positive, develop your plan, and persist! It will be worth it in the end 🙂
P.S. If you didn’t get matched, think about applying for Get Matched Coaching to help you better sell yourself and all your amazingness for your next attempt!