Determine the best solution to complete dietetic internship applications, so that you feel 100% confident in getting a dietetic internship.
Applying to dietetic internship programs can be overwhelming, stressful, and altogether new. At All Access Dietetics, we’ve designed programs to help you land the dietetic internship of your dream! You’re not in this process alone, and with a little extra help, you can gain the confidence and clarity in yourself to succeed.
The Get Matched Course is like a tool kit, in that it has every tool I’ve learned about how to stand out in the DICAS application.
It teaches you how to take every step of the process seriously, and how to approach each step wisely. Many students find the personal statement the hardest area of the application to navigate, and as we know, it is one of the most important pieces. Our course’s biggest module focuses on the personal statement, and we literally guide you through how to answer each of the standard DICAS questions.
To me, EVERY area of the application is important. Choosing where to apply is absolutely going to affect your chances of getting matched. Other underrated areas of the application, like director communication and references, are equally important, too. The Get Matched Course teaches you how to increase your chances of getting matched by using our strategies in every aspect of the application process.
Get Matched Coaching is going to provide you with support and guidance, so you don’t feel like you are doing this alone.
Our clients say they are less stressed, since they know they are on their journey with an expert coach. Plus, they feel more confident in themselves and their hard work. Our clients know they are representing themselves well and truly selling themselves as future dietitians- and doing it better than their competition. I always say that, if matched head to head against another applicant with a similar GPA and work experience, I would feel confident our client would get ranked higher because of the quality of their application, their director communication, and their interview skills.
The Get Matched Course is a great option if you want to apply the techniques your own way. But, coaching is a great option if you want more personalized advice and support along the way.
You’ve never applied to a dietetic internship before, so it is normal to feel overwhelmed and confused. My clients often ask 100 or more questions regarding the process and their applications, and I am sure you will have 100 or more questions, too. You’ve never been taught how to effectively put together an application for this purpose.
Because of that, my final advice is to use all the resources you can to inform yourself about the process. The more you understand, the better. Go all in on your application process, and start early, too. If you are in school, the best thing you can do is start your application during your summer break. It is night and day to wait and start your application in the fall, when you are then bogged down by classes. And if you wait until winter break, you are way too late!