Gaining dietetics experience helps an internship director know how prepared you are for an internship and a career as an RD. How much is enough?
I want to talk about my dietetics experience. The whole point of getting dietetics experience is because internship directors want to know how prepared you are for an internship and a future career in dietetics. What better way to prepare for clinical rotations than to volunteer or work in a clinical setting, am I right!?
While exposing yourself to these areas, you’ll also start to figure out your interests. These can change later, but it is wise to begin your career exploration sooner rather than later. Plus, it could lead to a job later on because of the connections you made!
But you might be thinking, “Jenny, if I do any more things, I’ll pass out from exhaustion!” Oh, man! That gives me flashbacks to my senior year fall semester when I was doing five different outside-the-classroom activities, trying to squeeze in as much as possible before applying. At one point, I did pass out (fall asleep) in the halls of the nutrition department. It’s tough, people. But it’s worth it.
Here’s one pro tip for getting more experience: do it virtually! Hashtag efficiency. Doing a virtual internship with a dietitian is flexible and doesn’t require as many hours. This shouldn’t replace on-site experience, but it can be in addition to that.
Awesome dietitians email me all the time asking to spread the word about their virtual internships (and some are on-site, too). So, we have these opportunities shown in the blog.
On that note…
A common question I get is about what type of experience is best. First, the higher your level of responsibility, the better. This means that being a paid employee is better than being a volunteer, which is better than being a shadow (zero obligation, you sit there!). While any experience is good, if you are faced with deciding the opportunities to pursue, that is my thought process for you. If you’re unsure where to begin, check out Volunteer Match for volunteering opportunities near you.
Then, it is essential to have a variety of experiences, but the 3 I like to talk about in the personal statement are:
The most dietetics-y experience you have, ideally in a clinical setting.
Something where you led a group or showed leadership in a job.
Also dietetics-y, but related to the area you have goals in. Think big!
PS. Go out there and get experience. And then when it comes time to apply, work with a coach to make sure you SELL IT!