As a nutrition major, you will work on many group projects. They may sound grueling, but you will be scoring “A’s” in no time with our tips and tricks.
If two words can put dread into the heart of any student, they are: “group project.” We all know that there are probably good reasons why professors make us do them, but does that make them any less painful?
Fortunately, I’ve got some tips for you on how you can get through those grueling group projects!
1. Take the lead.
Leadership is an excellent quality that can be developed inside and outside of the classroom. Group projects are a perfect opportunity for you to work on this skill even more.
2. Set deadlines (WAY before the actual deadline!).
A practice deadline can help your team figure out what’s missing beforehand so that you’re not panicking on the project’s due date. Preparedness is a skill that will come in handy outside of your DPD program, too.
3. Figure out the best way to contact each other.
Maybe everyone prefers to text in a group message. Or, perhaps someone who only has a computer and a social media platform is more accessible to check in on. GroupMe is the latest app that makes it easy to communicate with all members of your team. If all else fails, use your school email address to create an email chain!
4. Clarify goals and roles.
Delegating tasks is essential, so all team members participate and learn from the project. After all, the point of a group project is for everyone to play a role. Delegating goals and functions will help everyone on your team find their niche and stay active in the project.
5. Create a positive atmosphere.
Positivity is essential, and a successful team is always a positive team. Don’t dread a group project, but reset your mind to see it as an opportunity to connect with your classmates and learn something new.
What are your favorite tips on surviving a group project? Sound off in the comments!
P.S. If you are applying for the dietetic internship check out our DI Toolkit!