Even Jenny has a unique dietetic internship application deadline day. Check out this hilarious story that every dietetics student can relate to!
My Deadline Day Story…
Once upon a time, I submitted my application to DICAS. Just kidding–it was 2008 and DICAS wasn’t invented yet. It was about 3pm on February 15 and I was in the computer lab at University of Illinois Union building printing out nice copies of my personal statements (that I had just finished tweaking for the 1083729209th time). I knew I had to be at the post office by 6pm so the materials could be postmarked on February 15, and I skipped all my classes (sorry Mom and Dad) to pull everything together. See…I waited until the last minute, although I still started months before the deadline. The problem is when you START in the last minute. Anyways, here I am printing out my applications, signing my name on the letters perfectly, and stuffing them into envelopes as slowly and carefully as I possibly could.
Each application went into a different colored envelop with a label that had the name of the program on them. They would surely be impressed by organization, I thought! Then I realized each program would only see one envelope and would not benefit from the genius color coordination. Bummer.
All the packets are ready to go, and by now it is 5:40pm (deadline 6:00pm). I walk with my dietetics friend, Selina, to the post office. And by walking, we sprinted down Green Street, the main street in our campus town. We filled out the paper work to do the certified mail option and do a self-address-stamped envelope so that programs could let us know when they received it. This took what felt like FOREVER.
By now it is 5:55pm. We tell the employees, who at this point think we are beyond crazy because we are laughing so hard and freaking out and hurrying and making a huge scene. We tell them they MUST postmark this day, February 15. MUST. MUST. MUST. And we need to watch you do it with our own eyeballs! They looked back at us with their eyeballs wide, then bust into laughter, handed us the stamps, and let us postmark them ourselves. VICTORY.
To celebrate, we walked over to Potbelly’s across the street and got Oreo milkshakes in true RD2Be fashion. We started laughing for no reason, which then turned into crying because we were SO TIRED. AND SO HAPPY.
Just last winter, I met with my friend Selina in Chicago and we shared Oreo milkshakes, reminiscing that special, victorious moment so many years ago!
When I work with my Get Matched Coaching clients, we typically have a phone call during the time they actually submit, and I get to relive the moment of submitting DI applications over and over again. Except typically my clients finish weeks before the deadline. They are still nervous but not that stressed since I made sure everything was perfect (hehe). But what is the same is that they laugh and possibly cry after the call knowing that they have gotten through this process. SO TIRED. AND SO HAPPY. I suggest they go get an Oreo milkshake ASAP.
The funny part about the application is that I often find myself saying to them, “if you can get through this process, you can get through the dietetic internship.” They laugh in agreement, but I know it to be true.
Here’s your challenge:
Figure out what you are going to do once you submit! One idea is to post your #DONEwithDICAS moment on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook and tag All Access Dietetics! We’ll be reposting them all week. And if you need inspiration for more celebration, you can search the hashtag on Instagram for some AWESOMENESS from last year.