Future dietitians...

Every examinee has different needs that will help them pass the RD exam. We suggest you explore the option of getting adding a tutor to your Pass Class program.


She needed extra support to dive back into studying...

“The program was really helpful for me. Its been about 10 years since I took the exam so the binder was a huge tool for me. I used the binder, the practice questions and the 1-1 tutor session to pull it all together and I PASSED! I improved my score by 6 points 🙂. Zak was amazing and on me to make sure I was doing what I needed to do. We had a huge review session a few days prior to the exam and it he helped me walk through calculations and some key concepts so that I walked into the exam with confidence. Post exam he checked in with me via phone and that showed he cared about my success. I felt supported the whole way through.”
Lorraine Morales

She wanted to truly understand the information she was studying...

"This system made ALL the difference in my third attempt of passing the RD exam. My tutor Zak helped me to really focus and take my preparation one step at a time. The study system itself helped me to truly understand concepts instead of trying to store information I had read in the past. The other thing I really appreciated was the flexibility of payments."
Ashli Gordon

She needed to narrow down her exam resources...

“This is a GREAT resource for the exam!! I loved the classes! Honestly, it took me 5 attempts to pass. I was very discouraged. The first few times I was using different resources to study, Inman, Facebook studying groups, a tutor, etc… and still couldn’t pass. The last 2 times I focused on only using All Access Dietetics materials and working with my tutor. I finally passed and it’s such a relief! Thanks for all of your amazing help! :)”
Courtney Zimpfer

She needed help overcoming exam anxiety...

“I had a lot of anxiety around planning my studies for the RD exam. What drew me to Pass Class was how it is a one stop shop for everything you need from materials to practice questions to tutors. I chose to invest in the highest level of all access products and it paid off. I was able to pass the RD exam on my first attempt!”
Amber Lang

She wanted to know exactly how to handle RD exam questions...

"In addition to providing many relevant short recorded learnings that were very helpful, Zak records sets of practice questions that walk through the Study Smarter Method for answering these types of questions. As an anxious test taker (as many of us are), when I sat down at the exam with clammy hands, I knew exactly what to do question by question. I knew how to break through to the correct answer, and when in doubt, I even found confidence in my decision to “choose the best answer and move on.” Thank you, Zak."
Rebecca Klaeui

She felt lost and hopeless while studying...

"I was feeling hopeless until I found this RD exam resource! Pass Class takes studying and puts a fun and individualized spin on the monotonous studying habits we have all developed. I LOVED my tutor! She was always available to answer any questions I had and made studying fun with little mnemonics to help me better remember materials. This program is different than other study materials I have used in the past ( believe me I have used just about everything under the sun!). This program helped me tremendously knowing I was not alone in this process because it has such a supportive community. In the past I had little confidence taking the exam despite MANY hours of studying. This program made studying fun, helped change my approach to this exam, and taught me how to study effectively. I have FINALLY passed my exam with the help of Pass Class and tutoring, and I can now call myself an RDN! I truly am thankful for having this experience - I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!”
Emily Shannon

Still on the fence?

Benefits of 1:1 Tutoring
To feel more confidence on Exam Day
To fill in knowledge gaps in weak areas
To ensure readiness to take the RD exam
To have an expert by their side cheering them on
To be held accountable to stick to a study plan