Get Matched

  • Improve Your Resume Over the Summer

    One of the most challenging aspects of becoming an R.D. is getting matched to a dietetic internship. Here are some ideas to add to your resume this summer!

    With the match rate hovering around 50-60% each year, the competition is fierce. Internship directors consider more than just your grades when they are looking at your application. And although each internship has its requirements, students with relevant work and volunteer experience in food service or a nutrition-related field have a higher chance of matching to an apprenticeship.

    Start your journey to a happy Match Day today! Schedule your intro call here.

    So what can you do this summer to improve your resume? Here are some ways you can gain experience.


    According to a Deloitte study, 82% of hiring managers said they prefer applicants with volunteer experience, and 92% say volunteer activities build leadership skills. The same applies to DI directors. Volunteering your time in an area that you are passionate about shows DI directors that you are self-motivated, dedicated, and responsible.

    There are four broad categories to a dietetic internship: clinical, community, food service, and elective. If the internships you are interested in are clinically focused, volunteer in clinical settings. If they are a community, find community opportunities. But remember that experience can be applicable in many different ways to focus on opportunities that interest you.

    Have you thought about volunteering for the American Diabetes Association? Or the Jimmy Fund? Use to find other volunteer opportunities that will help your resume stand out.

    Get a Summer Internship

    Spending the summer months at an internship is a great way to get experience. A summer internship can also help you get a better understanding of what you are interested in. Use online websites like or to find available internships. Another great way to find an internship is to network with R.D’s that might need a little help over the summer.

    Earn a Specialty Certification

    Adding a specialty certification to your resume may not only help you get matched but may also help you land a job faster. Certifications confirm your knowledge and skills in a specific area of practice. There are specialty certifications that you can earn over the summer. If you’re passionate about physical fitness, weight management, yoga, or a specialty area in nutrition, research the different certifications that are available. When looking for a certification, you should look for a validated and reliable certification examination and credible organizations.

    Here’s a list of just a few of the specialty certifications out there that would enhance your resume:

    Edit your Resume

    Perhaps you already have a lot of experience or are working this summer; make sure your experiences are communicated well by spending your extra free time editing and revising your resume. If you have a mentor, ask them to look over your resume and provide you with feedback. Would they hire you based on your resume? Would they call you for an interview? Ask them for their honest feedback. You can also use the Get Matched Course or Get Matched Coaching, which offers a resume template, resume strategies, resumes rubrics, resume checklist, and resume samples.

    Getting matched to an internship may seem overwhelming and impossible, but there are many ways of obtaining quality dietetics experiences. Taking the time to build a strong resume as a student will allow you to enter the internship application process with more confidence.

    P.S. Starting early with Get Matched Coaching gives you the advantage of getting advice from your coach on what experience to add before applying! Many of our clients start the summer before the February deadline to get a head start and be as strategic as possible. Check out more information on coaching here!


  • 5 Reasons to Create an Online Portfolio

    Think of your online portfolio as an extension of your DICAS application. This tool could get you closer to landing the dietetic internship of your dreams.

    If you haven’t created an online portfolio yet, now’s the time! Only some program applications require one, but you can still add the URL to your resume even if they don’t.

    Click here to take your application to the next level with free resources and exclusive advice from Jenny!

    Here are our top 5 reasons why you need one:

    Opportunity to show directors examples of your best work

    Remember to include projects or papers that you are passionate about to reference them in later interviews. Did you complete a unique project in your program? Feature it so internship programs can see it!

    It makes you stand out from the competition.

    No two applications are alike, similar to online portfolios. Your portfolio is distinctly yours and can be another way to stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression.

    Adds a visual element to your application

    A dietetic internship director may remember you during your interview from your online portfolio’s unique logo or layout. This also serves as a way for internship programs to learn about you and your sense of style or flare. Make sure to stay true to yourself when creating your online presence!

    It gives directors a better sense of who you are as a person

    Directors will gain a better understanding of your personality through the details of your online portfolio. They will see your skills, such as attention to detail and creativity, which show promise as a dietetic intern.

    It can be used again when you’re hunting for a job

    Make sure to save your online portfolio and continue adding to it as a dietetic intern. Nothing will make a potential employer more pleased than an in-depth and highly professional online portfolio. As you grow through your nutrition career, remember to let your online portfolio grow with you.

    Blogger, WordPress, VisualCV, and Wix are all great sites for housing your portfolio.

    Are you not convinced? Check out this article from The New York Times for more!

    P.S. Once your e-portfolio is done, join our Get Matched Coaching for a portfolio review from one of our coaches to make sure it is visually fantastic, organized, and free of grammar mistakes!


  • How Strong Relationships with My Professors Got Me an Internship… After Match Day

    Check out Dianna Sinni’s advice on the importance of maintaining good relationships with professors and how they can affect the trajectory of your career!

    By Dianna Sinni, RD, LD

    I’ll be honest- I’m a Registered Dietitian who didn’t get matched. I logged into DICAS like every dietetic intern out there, anxiously awaiting to see my match. I felt confident, I had progressed in two phone interviews for two programs, and my personal statement was really well written. I remember my boyfriend was seated next to me on our couch, but he kept getting bored with the waiting game – DICAS was temporarily down due to the high volume of log-ins, no doubt attributed to Match Day.

    A few hours later, it happened – I logged in successfully…but only to see the horrible regrets memo.

    There were tears. A lot of them. But as much as I wanted to crawl into my bed and sob, what good would it really do me? Wallowing in self-pity and sorrow wouldn’t get me into an internship – only I could. And it was too important to me to waste any time.

    You might be wondering: how exactly did she get an internship and become a RD if there was no match?

    Within an hour or two after realizing I hadn’t matched, I IMMEDIATELY (immediacy, of high importance here!) emailed my undergraduate professors (the two who had written my DI recommendations as well) from Keene State College. I was already a few years out from undergrad, but had always kept in contact with my advisor and another professor during those two years post-graduation. This would prove to be the biggest asset to my dietetic internship journey.

    They were both shocked that I hadn’t matched (definitely a confidence booster after the initial sting of not matching) and immediately sent email after email of open intern spots for various programs across the country. There was hope!

    As a prospective dietetic intern, I had no idea that DI program directors connect with each other surrounding match day – something that turned out to be in my favor. I received at least 5 emails from my undergraduate professors of DI and ISSP programs that didn’t match to full capacity and were looking for well recommended interns.

    You might be wondering: so, why didn’t you wait until 2nd rounds?

    Sure, I could have waited a month or so until DICAS reopened and new matches were made with remaining applicants…but why would I want to wait? I took matters into my own hands – I cold-emailed at least 5 DI Program Directors with intern spots available. They sent over their program information and I had two phone interviews for two programs I was strongly considering; all within the 24-48 hours after Match Day.

    In less than 72 hours after not being matched, I was a fully enrolled Dietetic Intern at Sage College’s distance dietetic program. There were some formalities to complete, but I was in! While it wasn’t Plan A, it was the BEST Plan B I could have ever had. My experience was amazing and I am forever grateful for the support of my undergraduate professors. They believed in me because I believed in myself. They knew I was motivated and driven, and in turn were willing to put themselves out there to help me achieve my dream.

    So what does this mean for you?

    It’s never too late to start fostering relationships with your undergraduate professor and advisors. They aren’t just your teacher for a few semesters or the ones who write a DI recommendation letter – they’re the RD’s who can actively help make your dreams of becoming a RD reality and will continue to think of you throughout your career. Here’s a few tips to get started:

    1. Take advantage of office time (but don’t be annoying).

    Stop in to say hello and show serious interest in their classes. They have an immense wealth of knowledge and experience that you can tap into and learn from.

    2. Over summer break or after graduation, stay in touch via email or phone quarterly.

    Let them know what you’ve been up to in the dietetic world or new things you’ve been hearing about in the field.

    While I can’t guarantee you’ll get a DI just by cultivating a great relationship with your professors, I can – with confidence and through experience – say it is such an invaluable asset to your career path.

    Connect with Dianna Sinni here:

    PS. Click here to take your application to the next level with free resources and exclusive advice from Jenny!