graduate school

  • Our Favorite GRE Study Resources

    The GRE company recommends that each test taker spends at least three months preparing for the exam, so here are study resources to help you do your best!

    The GRE, or Graduate Record Examination, is a standardized test all potential grad school students must take as a part of their application process. We’ve compiled our favorite resources to help you score your best!

    GRE PowerPrep Online

    The test maker made this software, giving you the best overview and helping you get a good feel for how questions are asked in a simple format. It goes over each section of the test and comes with two practice tests. Even better? It’s free! Bonus: PowerPrep Plus is available for $39.95 and includes extra resources.

    Kaplan Test Prep

    Kaplan offers four different options of test prep: in-person, live online, private tutoring, or self-paced. They provide a free consultation to see which option is best for you and personalize your study plan. It is an investment, but it’s worth it if this is what you are looking for.

    Manhattan GRE Prep

    Manhattan is a great source that provides a free practice test and even has in-depth explanations for each question’s answer. The practice tests mirror the actual GRE and track your progress, so you know what you need to focus on.

    Other Tips

    • Need help with a particular topic? Head over to Khan Academy, where you’ll find instructional and in-depth videos on almost any subject.
    • No time to make hundreds of vocabulary flashcards? Scour Quizlet to find some GRE vocabulary flashcards already made. Just press print, and voila.
    • Don’t be shy to ask for extra help if you’ve forgotten about a specific topic (looking at you, geometry). Finding a tutor could make all the difference.
    • Are you still enrolled in school? Some universities offer free or reduced-fee GRE resources. Head over to your student services building to find out more.

    P.S. Are you a dietetic intern preparing for the R.D. Exam? Pass the Exam Tutoring can teach you how to study smarter, not harder, to increase your chances of passing the exam!


  • Stay Organized This Semester with These Top Tips

    Staying organized as a nutrition and dietetics student isn’t easy. Below are my top tips to help you stay on track to become a Registered Dietitian.

    Could you write it down?

    It’s tempting to ditch your planner for an app on your phone, but studies have shown that writing it down helps you remember it more. Invest in a cute planner (see ideas here) and never forget an assignment again.

    Keep a schedule.

    As much as you want to sleep in until noon on the weekends when you’ve been waking up super early during the week, trying to compensate for your sleep can make you more tired! You’ll be more productive when your schedule isn’t all over the place.

    Get rid of distractions.

    Whether it is a PC or Mac, many computers have programs that you can download that let you limit the amount of time spent on distracting websites (we’re talking about you, Facebook, and Instagram). Nix the temptation and get that essay done first!

    Find balance.

    It’s easy to get overwhelmed with everything you have to do this semester – from homework to volunteering or even working – it can get a little daunting to balance it all. Set aside 30 minutes to an hour each day to focus on yourself and do something for you, whether a yoga class or a quick Netflix binge. Your mind and body will thank you!


    Triage, taking care of the most important thing first, will help big tasks seem more doable. Get that group project out of the way, so you don’t have to worry about it. Can’t figure out where to start? Try making a to-do list so you can check off your assignments as you go!

    What are your best tips to stay organized? Sound off in the comments.

    P.S. ARE YOU IN YET? Join the Get Matched Course to gain the confidence and clarity you need to get a dietetic internship!