
  • How to Build Relationships in Your Field of Interest as a Dietetics Student

    Implement these five key strategies to build relationships with dietitians in your field of interest as a dietetics student.

    As a dietetics student, you are probably aware that there are numerous routes you can take when searching for your dietetics niche. Perhaps you want to be a registered dietitian (RD) in clinical, a sports RD, a community RD, or something else. With what seems like an endless number of paths to take, discovering which area of the field you are interested in can be exciting yet daunting.

    Now, your next thought may be: where do I begin? To relieve some stress around this process, below are a few tips to help motivate you to build relationships in your field of interest as a dietetics student and bring you one step closer to becoming the RD you imagine yourself to be!

    Connect with your professors 

    As a student, you have potential connections all around you. When you are in class, several opportunities are waiting for you to make the first move. Making an effort to build relationships with your professors is one of the simplest ways to get your foot in the door.

    It is crucial to building relationships with professors who teach classes specific to your area of interest. Chances are, they work in that particular field or may have previous experience in the field to assist you in your journey.

    However, do not limit yourself to building relationships exclusively with those professors. Your medical nutrition therapy professor likely knows another RD who works in your field of interest or can provide you with a reference and sound advice to get you started. At the very least, your professor may know what you are interested in and will have your name in the back of their mind should an opportunity come up that could be a fit.


    I spent my entire freshman and sophomore years as a dietetics student hiding in the back of every classroom and seeing no reason to talk to my professors. That was until I met one of my new best friends in my junior year, who told me about her current internship and a past nutrition expo she had worked as a volunteer. As a dietetics student, I knew the importance of getting intern/volunteer hours, and I wanted to build those types of relationships. After asking my friend how she found those opportunities, she told me they came through her professors. At that moment, I knew I needed to do the same to get myself the options I saw myself in.

    I began speaking with my professors to form a connection, even if it was just small talk. It did not take long before I was given two contacts to reach out to for intern experience. Three weeks later, I had my dream internship as a student. Who knows where I would be now if I decided to reach out to professors earlier. It is never too late to start! 

    Join an association connected to your field of interest 

    Once you discover your calling in dietetics, it is time to become a part of organizations and associations related to your field. A simple Google search will help you discover precisely what those are. For example, suppose you are interested in becoming a sports RD. In that case, the CPSDA (Collegiate and Professional Sports Dietitians Association) is a great way to become a part of the sports dietetics community.

    Through organizations such as the CPSDA, you can connect with RDs who already work in the field. Typically, there is a list of practicing RDs who you can reach out to. By becoming a member, you gain access to free educational materials, discover intern and job opportunities, and learn more about what working in your field of interest will look like once you become an RD. These tools may give you more to talk about and potentially more questions to ask when reaching out to these dietitians. Being an active member of their association or organization will show how genuinely interested you are in the field.


    When I was a  dietetics student, I had professors (the ones I built relationships with!) and peers tell me about the CPSDA. Once I discovered it, I was excited to research and connect with the full-time sports RDs in this network. I took the initiative to introduce myself, let them know that I found them on the CPSDA website and that I was an aspiring sports RD. To my surprise, I received responses from almost all of the RDs I reached out to. I was even asked for my resume by a few of them. I often check in with many of these RDs and regularly interact on social media. These relationships formed when you are a student will prove to be the most important in building your future career.

    Reach out to other professionals via social media or email 

    Now that you are a member of the association/organization (wink, wink!), you can take the list of RDs and begin searching through Google or social media to start the conversation. The Get Hired Course has a section dedicated to networking on social media.

    Send the RD a tailored direct message on a particular platform or a professional email if their email address is public.

    When sending an email to build a relationship with an RD, let them know that you are an aspiring RD interested in their specific field. Express genuine interest in their professional journey to learn how they got to where they are today. Ask if you can have 15-minutes of their time through a scheduled phone call. Do not expect an internship or paid opportunity through relationship building; the possibility of that may come in the future.

    After reaching out, keeping in touch with your connections is just as important. Continue to build these relationships by checking in every few months through email or direct message, even sharing their content on social media. Being genuine and consistent goes a long way.

    If you cannot join an association or organization, you can still search for RDs through social media and Google and build relationships in the same way. Find commonality by reading their biography and checking out their LinkedIn profile.


    Similar to my story about reaching out to sports RDs, I had a friend interested in holistic nutrition. She followed a private practice RD, introduced herself, and told her she loved what she did as an RD. This friend shared that the RD then asked her to send a resume, and she then started virtually interning with her and creating social media content. This virtual internship served as an excellent experience for her dietetic internship application. Again, a genuine connection and a vast opportunity were the results of a simple email.


    As dietetics students, we know that volunteering plays a big part in securing a dietetic internship and landing future jobs as an RD. It is also a great way to get your name out there and build relationships in your field of interest. If you’re applying to distance dietetic internships, relationship building is even more critical as starting with who you know is the best first step to preceptor searching. Reach out to multiple RDs at a time, and provide them with the information they need to secure yourself a volunteer opportunity

    While volunteering can be a great experience, it can be a lot to balance if you’re a dietetics student with a full-time job or a family at home. However, it’s important to note that volunteering does not have to be a long or full-time commitment. Taking the initiative to volunteer for a one-day event can be just as powerful and even better if you made a solid first impression and stayed in contact with the RD you worked with. Also, if you already have a full-time schedule during school months, try volunteering over winter or summer break. You do not have to commit hundreds of hours to make a good impression and build a great relationship.


    Much of my personal volunteer experience and what I have learned when speaking with peers is that we have built relationships with a specific RD. We have interned for, but these experiences have opened doors to making many other relationships with others. When volunteering at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), I was fortunate to get to know and work with two of UCLA’s other sports RDs. I am still in contact with all three of these RDs and have been able to refer to them for mentorship and positive letters of reference. I am incredibly appreciative of their support.

    Be a Go-Giver

    For our future careers as dietitians, it is essential to connect with as many dietitians in the field as possible. Creating relationships and offering your time to work with other dietitians gets your name out into your area of interest, shows other dietitians your dedication, and may even be the key to landing your dream job. To be successful in this, you must be willing to put in extra work. Founder Jenny Westerkamp, RD, CSSD, encourages you to be a go-giver and “think about what you can give instead of what you can receive.” She firmly believes that what you give, you will get back in return. It is a constant flow.


    About the author:

    Thanks for reading! My name is Brittni Whitesides, and I am a dietetic intern. I am so grateful that I practiced these tips in building relationships as a student at California State University, Los Angeles. Through doing all of these things, I have gained tons of experience in my field of interest (sports nutrition) through volunteer work and interning and have made numerous connections with sports RDs. I have spoken to several RDs who currently are in the position I dream about being in one day, and I am confident that they know who I am, my passion, commitment, and interest in the field. As a current dietetic intern, I plan to continue building relationships while maintaining my already made ones. So, what are you waiting for? Start sending out those direct messages and emails to begin building relationships today!


  • Gaining Nutrition Experience While Still in College

    We all have one classmate who seems to have years of nutrition experience, even though they’re still in school. Take our advice and gain experience, too.

    Nutrition experience can help you succeed in matching to a dietetic internship program and getting one step closer to becoming a Registered Dietitian. But where do you begin? Instead of comparing yourself to another classmate, follow this list and you’ll be racking up shadowing dates and volunteer experiences in no time.

    1. Befriend your Professors

    Your professors are key to making connections in the nutrition field. Many of them have work experience outside your university, so they can help guide you in the right direction. Plus, they can give great advice that will help you succeed.

    2. Go to Local Conferences

    Your future mentor might just be sitting next to you! Conferences draw RD’s from all over your state, so you never know who you will meet. Plus, the presentations will teach you something new and may even inspire your niche.

    3. Join a Club

    Clubs at school can help you find opportunities in and out of your university. They can also help connect you with faculty or outside professionals to score a volunteering or shadowing opportunity.

    4. Use Technology

    Scout LinkedIn for professionals in your area who are working in the field you are interested in. Find someone? Don’t be shy and send them a message.

    5. Put your Foot in the Door, Sometimes Literally

    Want to work in a hospital one day? Start by volunteering and work your way up. Is food service your calling? Snag a job in a restaurant. Being able to get a feel for your desired environment is key to finding more opportunities.

    P.S. ARE YOU IN YET? Join thousands of future dietitians on our free weekly newsletter! 


  • Jenny’s Top 5 Tips for Getting Matched to a Dietetic Internship

    With a match rate of less than 50%, It is difficult to get a dietetic internship these days. What can you do to stand out among the competition?

    You hear about getting a lot of experience and keeping your GPA as high as possible, but what else can you do to land the dietetic internship of your dreams? After coaching hundreds of students individually, I have seen some strategies, both major and minor, that have helped students gain the edge they needed to get into a dietetic internship. Here are my top 5 unconventional tips for getting matched:

    Click here to get our FREE DICAS Starter Pack with DI Database, Top 10 Mistakes, Personal Statement Checklist and 10 more resources!

    1. Make sure your personal statement is not generic.

    You don’t want your personal statement to look like ANYONE could write it. Answer each question in a way that only you can. Too often, I see letters that are generic and the answers are not well thought out. It will take a lot of brainstorming to decide how to creatively answer each question, but directors will be able to tell that you put in this extra effort!

    2. Every sentence of the personal statement sells you in a convincing way.

    Many students have a hard time really “selling” themselves. They feel like they are bragging, and it is uncomfortable. But, guess what? If you don’t tell them how great you are, they will never know! There needs to be concrete examples and evidence to back up your skills and preparation. If you don’t do this, the selection committee will not be totally convinced you would do well in their internship.

    3. You have clear goals, and include leadership goals.

    Many times I read the goals paragraph of personal statements and they are very general or wishy-washy. Students will say that they are interested in a wide variety of areas and they will use the internship to decide what is best. While this seems like a safe approach, it is better to commit to clear, specific goals then to leave it open-ended or unoriginal. For example, having your short-term goal be to get an internship and a long term goal to become a dietitian will NOT set you apart from the rest. Maybe you don’t know exactly what you want to do, but you want to show the selection committee that you have some idea of the direction your career could go. This really shows how passionate you are for reaching some of these goals in the future and how passionate you are about becoming a dietitian. Bonus points if you share some ways you hope to be a leader in the field–what internship doesn’t want to train future leaders!?

    4. Your DICAS is free of any grammar or formatting errors.

    Simple mistakes, incomplete sections, and grammatical errors can all leave a bad impression on the person reviewing your materials. With competition so fierce, you don’t want something that is easily avoidable to ruin your hard work of getting good grades and finding awesome experience. Our coaches find an average of 20 mistakes with every DICAS Review coaching service they do. Make sure you get your application materials reviewed by someone. Print out all your materials and review slowly to catch any errors. It helps to not wait until the last minute, too!

    5. You explain why you want to go to that specific program.

    Don’t use reasons like, “the variety of rotations,” or, “a fantastic teaching hospital,” to describe why you want to go to the program. Rather, choose specific rotations that line up with your own experiences and goals. If you can’t think of 3 good reasons, then consider whether or not that really is the right program for you, or get help from a coach! Of course, if you are limited to certain internships by location or cost, then this may not be as possible to do, but at least explain what unique factors about their program you are most interested in. And yes, you can have slightly different versions of your personal statement for each program you apply to!

    Hope that helps! Don’t forget to grab your FREE DICAS Starter Pack here!


  • How to Get Dietetics Experience Before Applying to Dietetic Internships

    True or False: “I need to have clinical experience to be competitive for an internship.” This may be true if the emphasis of the program is clinical. However, broad and unique experiences may sometimes outweigh clinical experience, depending on the program director’s selection criteria for its applicants. And since “a wide variety” implies having more than one dietetics experience, you must seek out experiences before your application year. Let’s get moving!

    Click here to learn more about Get Matched Coaching to get 1:1 support through to get you into your dietetics program.

    If you ask any dietetics student about what it takes to be more competitive with their internship applications, you may hear, “Start volunteering soon and often!” Then, they will emphasize that you should get as many experiences as you can before you are in the process of applying. Your experience says a lot about your interests as well as your personality traits. Be proactive about gaining experiences by taking the initiative. Show that you can juggle multiple things at once.

    A great example is holding a part-time job during the semester. You also want to convey your willingness to learn new skills and show your enthusiasm for learning. Take on a position that may be extra challenging. As directors review your experiences, they will notice qualities like professionalism, multitasking, leadership, and solid communication (to name a few).

    Create Experiences Worth Writing About

    Your experiences are what you will use to show that you have the skills to excel in the internship. If you can’t find good experiences offered through your school or within your community, start a new club or work with an RD that can be your mentor and provide invaluable one-on-one expertise. It shows that you are a go-getter and are not afraid to take the initiative!

    Variety is Key

    During the internship, each rotation may be very different from the others. Racking up the exposure in a lot of different areas will make your training year less intimidating. Getting experience in basic clinical, food service, and community areas are crucial since these are required rotations for every DI. Once you’ve done that, expand to more specialized areas like research, business, entrepreneurship, sports nutrition, pediatrics, or communications. Not only will you have your bases covered with “typical” student positions, but you can also bolster your application with impressive add- ons that allow you to rise above the crowd.

    Making the Ask

    How exactly are you supposed to go about finding these impressive add-ons? Let me be the first to tell you that Google can only take you so far! As dietetics students, we all crave opportunities to prove ourselves in the professional world. However, you must be willing to take some risks. I want to let you in on my secret called “making the ask.” Here’s how it works. If you haven’t already spent some time on the Internet researching companies, hospitals, professional organizations, dietitians in private practice, etc., then it’s time you got started. First, do the obvious. Check and see if they offer established internships or volunteer experiences. If they don’t, make the ask! If you don’t ask, your answer is always NO.

    Not quite “experience-hungry” yet? Keep in mind that a wide variety of experiences will allow you to:

    • Decide what you are interested in
    • Gain contacts in the field
    • Show your willingness to learn and commitment to the profession
    • Expand your skillset
    • Prove to directors that you take the initiative to gain as much experience as possible
    • Take advantage of breaks

    Use Your Breaks Wisely

    If you are lucky enough to have them, utilize those month-long winter breaks to squeeze in more experience or even get started on applications! Here are some ideas to stay busy in between semesters:

    • Volunteer at a food bank or soup kitchen. It will be hectic during the holidays.
    • Help an RD set up their blog and contribute posts regularly (nutrition communications!).
    • Volunteer at a hospital for any holiday events, especially in the foodservice department.
    • Start a blog of your own nutrition-related experiences.
    • Reconnect with your summer job supervisor to see if they could use an extra hand.
    • Use this time to set up shadowing appointments with various RDs to get to know more about the field.
    • Research and apply for summer job options. Many summer internships are filled by January.
    • Collect awards, past work, and projects and create an online résumé using,, or Put this link on your application résumé. It’s all the rage!

    PS. There you have it! Ready for more? This was an excerpt from my free e-book Dietetic Internships 101, which you can find in the Application Toolkit!


  • What is DICAS and How Does it Work

    DICAS is an online portal used by nutrition students to apply to dietetic internships or RD programs. Learn how to apply and how to get ahead of the game.

    Before taking a deep dive into your dietetic internship (DI) application, there are a few things you should be aware of.

    One of the questions we get asked most often is how to best prepare for the DI application match. We always recommend that students begin their application process as soon as possible, so that they have enough time to confidently submit their application to the best of their ability and avoid stressing over last minute work.

    The Dietetic Internship Centralized Application System, also known as “DICAS,” is the online portal used by dietetics students who are applying to DI. Most, but not all, DI programs use the DICAS match.

    DICAS allows students to complete a single online application. Program directors can access the applications, but can’t see the order in which the applicant ranked his or her programs. Instead, the applicant’s rankings are submitted on D&D Digital. Read more about D&D Digital here. Upon review of the application, the program director and staff submit ranking for applicants in addition to the maximum class size.

    How to Apply to Dietetic Internships:

    DICAS opens a little over two months before the applications are due and the application portal closes. The information applicants fill out on DICAS include:

    • Applicant Information: Contact information, personal information, and background information
    • Match Information: Applicant’s D&D Digital ID
    • Education Information: DPD course list form, colleges attended (majors, certificates/minors, transcript form, and cumulative GPA), session and coursework (all DPD grades including completed, in progress, and transfer DPD grades), and tests (GRE and TOEFL)
    • DPD Program Information: DPD director contact information and confirmed declaration of intent
    • Required Information: Awards, experience, & volunteer activities; personal statements (we recommend making a unique personal statement for each DI program. For personalized help, apply for our Get Matched Coaching program); updated resume; references (at least three references are required); and application certification
    • Program Destinations: The DI programs the applicant is applying to

    How to Get Ahead of the Game

    Even though the application only opens a couple months before the deadline, that doesn’t mean that you must wait to work on your application when it opens.

    If you want to get a head start on your DICAS application, get a coach to help you strategize each step of the application process. After applying, you’ll speak with our enrollment coach to learn more about your career goals and confirm that you’re a good fit for coaching. Click here to apply for Get Matched Coaching.

    With the right strategy and support, you CAN land a spot in a dietetic internship/RD program and become a dietitian. I believe in you. 🙂

    P.S. Have questions about Get Matched Coaching? Email me at and I’m happy to help.


  • How to Become a Registered Dietitian

    What is the Difference Between a “Registered Dietitian” and a “Nutritionist”

    A common question for anyone interested in studying dietetics is: “What is the difference between a “Registered Dietitian Nutritionist” (RDN) and a “Nutritionist.” Many people mistakenly use the terms “Dietitian” and “Nutritionist” interchangeably. These professions are related, but maintain distinctive qualities.

    The nutritionist profession is much less regulated and protected under the law. Some states require nutritionists to obtain an occupational license and others allow nutritionists to practice without education or training. Unlike all nutritionists, all RDNs are required to complete formal education that is at least a baccalaureate degree. This program must include coursework covering:

    • Food service systems management
    • Food and nutrition science
    • Computer science
    • Chemistry
    • Business
    • Microbiology
    • Sociology
    • Biochemistry
    • Physiology
    • Economics

    To maximize the depth, scope, length, and formal education and training, we recommend choosing the path of becoming an RDN.

    How to Become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

    The first step is to enroll in an Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) accredited Didactic Program in Dietetics academic program. This is the most common path in which an individual is granted at least a bachelor’s degree. Another option is to enroll in an ACEND accredited Coordinated Program in Dietetics (CP),  Future Education Model Graduate Degree Program (FG), or International Dietitian Education Program (IDE). Graduates of the listed programs are eligible to take the CDR’s Registration exam to become credentialed as an RDN. When you’re ready, click here to learn about our exam prep support.

    Note: Starting in January of 2024, a graduate degree will be required to sit for the RD exam.

    After completing a bachelor’s degree in addition to receiving a verification statement from an ACEND-accredited program, complete an ACEND-accredited supervised practice Dietetic Internship (DI) or Individual Supervised Practice (ISPP). The average match (“acceptance”) rate for dietetic internships/RD programs hovers around 60%. The supervised practice is combined with the CP, FG, and IDE listed above. This is a competitive application process with no guarantee of landing a spot, so we’re here to help!

    The next step is to pass the dietetic registration exam (“RD exam”), gain licensure in your state of practice (if applicable), and maintain your continuing education hours through CDR.

    How to Get Ahead of the Game

    To get a head start on your dietetic internship application, get the support of an expert admissions coach. Get Matched Coaching will give you the roadmap and support you need to create a stand-out application and feel more confident. Click HERE to learn more about our signature program.



  • What is D&D Digital and How Does It Work

    D&D Digital internship matching helps future dietitians get matched to a dietetic internship or RD program. Learn how this system works below.

    Why Should I Use D&D Digital?

    D&D Digital internship matching is the website that collects applicants’ Dietetic Internship (DI) program rankings and also helps DI program directors receive applications. To be eligible for a match, you must create a D&D Digital account AND a DICAS account (check out our blog post: What is DICAS and How Does it Work). We recommend that applicants register online with D&D Digital early to prevent any potential ssues.


    First, the applicant must register online. Each matching period requires a new application registration. If the applicant is applying to the pre-select admission option, they don’t need to register for D&D Digital. The registration requires an address and billing information. D&D Digital charges application fees to use its system for the match.

    Internship Choices

    After registering, the applicant can enter the internships in his or her priority order by ranking it under “Internship Choices” and saving the choices. There is an opportunity for applicants who have registered for the match by the deadline for completing the DICAS application to reorder their DI priority rankings after the deadline.

    Release and Verification Information

    The applicant has the option to have his or her name released on the list of applicants who were or were not matched under the “Release and Verification Information”.

    Dietetic Internship Matching Process – Matching Results

    The matching process uses both the applicant and the DI program’s ranking to create the final class list. First, the D&D Matching algorithm removes internship rankings of applicants that did not list them and vice versa. D&D looks at the matching window of the applicant’s ranked preferences and matches it to the DI programs.

    After the applicant ranks and saves their internship choices and the D&D matching algorithm matches the applicants and the programs, the applicant will check “Matching Results” on match day to see where he or she got matched.

    How to Get Ahead of the Game

    With the match rate hovering around 60%, the competition is fierce. With Get Matched Coaching, you’ll work one-on-one with an expert coach who will be in your corner to help you through every step of this competitive and confusing application process. Click here to learn more!


  • 15 Life Tips for Dietetics Students

    As a nutrition major, you’re expected to achieve. Sometimes, it can get a little overwhelming. Our advice will help you both relax and succeed.

    You’re a dietetics student. You’re simultaneously getting great grades, volunteer all of the time, learning the metabolism of every nutrient, and doing just about a million other things. You’re pretty amazing, but what happens when you get overwhelmed? Step back, take a breath, grab a fresh cup of kombucha, and read this list.

    Trust the process.

    Take it one day at a time.

    It’s good to plan ahead, but make sure to focus on the present. Enjoy the time in your life where your main focus is learning.

    Try to make your class schedule manageable.

    Taking ochem with MNT and metabolism may seem like a good idea until test day rolls around, so try to space out the tough classes each semester.

    Don’t be afraid to say no.

    Too much on your plate? Don’t shy away from stepping back if it is something that you aren’t really interested in or just isn’t a priority.

    Talk to your professors!

    They are there for you and have a wealth of knowledge in the field. Dietetics is a small world and you will most likely see them again, so start building connections while you’re in class.

    Make the effort to go to class everyday.

    You are paying to be there, you might as well take full advantage! Your professors will notice and your GPA will probably benefit too.

    Start researching the next step.

    While you don’t need to know exactly what you want to do, it’s good to start scoping out what internships or jobs that catch your eye so you can look for volunteer opportunities for a trial run.

    Ask for help when you need it.

    You don’t always need to know all of the answers! Whether it’s a biology assignment or you are struggling with your schedule, it is always possible to get help.

    Find time for fun!

    You have plenty of time to be a workaholic after you graduate 😉 Put down that biochem book and go to a yoga class, have lunch with your mom, or just go and hang out with your friends! All work and no play makes the Krebs Cycle even more miserable.

    Make your own opportunities.

    Get your foot in the door.

    Want to work as a clinical RD one day? Start by volunteering at a local hospital. Dream of being a sports dietitian? Scope out a local sports RD and ask if they need help for a day (or more!).

    Find a mentor, be a mentor.

    You don’t know where a volunteer opportunity will take you, so always give 100%.

    Besides adding to your resume, a volunteer opportunity could help you make new friends, find your niche, or meet your future manager.

    Eat well, take a break, and balance it all out.

    You’re learning all about how to help others life a healthier lifestyle and eat well, so don’t forget to give yourself a healthy lifestyle too!

    Know that you’re in one of the best majors.

    And that one day, you will be changing lives for the better!

    P.S. Are you applying to dietetic internships? Join Get Matched Coaching for personalized advice that will bring you one step closer to becoming a Registered Dietitian!


  • The Competition in Becoming A Dietitian

    The road to becoming a Registered Dietitian is not easy, and there is a lot of competition along the way. The biggest battle is against yourself.

    By: Emily Hulse

    If you’re anything like me, you’ve seen it all. You’ve seen students glancing at one another’s tests as they’re handed back, anticipating comparison, you’ve heard professors explain the importance of being a stand-out student relentlessly, and you’ve read the statistics of the latest Match Round of the dietetic internship. You understand the road to becoming a dietitian is competitive, but you won’t give up on your dream.

    Click here to take your application to the next level with free resources and exclusive advice from Jenny!

    Sometimes, it seems impossible to attain the famous RDN credential.

    To become an R.D., you have to jump through hoops, including a Bachelor’s degree, Verification Statement, Dietetic Internship, and a national exam. Don’t get me wrong- these steps ensure that dietitians across the country are prepared for their positions. Producing amazing dietitians is incredibly important, but just because I’ve accepted it doesn’t make it any easier to digest!

    This process can look overwhelming during the daily routine of classes, supervised practice, volunteering or working a paid job, studying, eating, and trying to exercise. This can lead to stress, mental health issues, or even fear of the future within this field. But it doesn’t have to turn out this way.

    It’s easy to see how difficult the road to becoming an RDN is.

     But sometimes, the obstacle most in your way is… yourself. As hard as that is sounds, it’s true that you are the only one in charge of your success. You can still be competitive without competing against others and ruining relationships with other incredible students. The best competition comes from within, from making ourselves better on the inside rather than focusing on the success of our classmates/peers, professors, and school.

    Next time your professor hands out an exam, don’t focus on the student’s score next to you.

    Instead, focus on how it compares to your final exam grade. If it’s better – excellent, and if not, inspire yourself to work harder. Keep track of your grades and aim to improve at each opportunity. When your professor reiterates the importance of being a stand-out student, remember that you already are one! If you feel unprepared for the future, find more opportunities for success. It doesn’t always mean joining the same clubs as your other classmates to check off another box on your resume. Maybe it means getting a job or starting a blog to keep you motivated and set you apart. Whatever it is, make sure to motivate yourself to stay humble and grounded. And finally, while the statistics don’t often lie, remember that one day after hard work and dedication, you’ll be matched to a dietetic internship, too.

    While it is easier said than done, reflecting on your future career in nutrition and dietetics, your passions, experiences, and goals will help you see the importance of your choices. Instead of spending four years tearing down your classmates’ grades, build yourself up and achieve what you can. It all will pay off, even if it is hard to see during midterms week. In the end, becoming an R.D. is all worth it.

    Stay humble and motivated, RD2Be’s. And remember who the real competition is: yourself.

    P.S. Are you in yet? Check out Get Matched Coaching so you can land the dietetic internship of your dreams.


  • How to Formulate Key Questions for Your Interview

    After landing an interview for your topic dietetic internship choice, learn to “wow” the director and get all of your questions answered!

    You finally got an interview for the dietetic internship you’ve been eyeing since freshman year. It went great, until the director asks the dreaded question…”do you have any questions for me?” It may seem that they are just asking a simple question, but often times they are trying to judge your interest in the program. Many interviewers think that if you don’t have any questions, you probably haven’t looked enough into their program or aren’t that serious about it. Here’s a fool-proof guide to impress your top program choice and get all of your questions answered!

    Do Your Research

    You don’t want to ask a question about something that you can find on their website. Most programs have websites on their rotations, tuition and fees, or other general topics. Scope out the site beforehand to get a grasp on the basics, and then formulate your questions afterwards on things that they might not go into detail about. They may also provide you more resources or connect you with the right people (think financial aid or housing) to help answer your questions.

    Don’t be Afraid to Ask About Non-Program Topics

    Ask your interviewer where the interns live, if they have a car or not, what the area is like… anything that would help you get a better feel for what life would be like if you were an intern in that program.

    Turn the Tables

    They got to interview you, now it’s your turn to interview them! They were once in your shoes too so don’t be afraid to ask them what they like about their profession, what got them to where they are today, or what their favorite part of the program is. This is your chance to connect with the director on a personal level!

    Look Towards the Future

    Don’t be afraid to ask about job placement rates or what else interns do after graduating from the program.

    Remember What to Avoid

    Of course, there are a few things you should avoid asking about. Don’t start questions with “when I get in…” as an interview doesn’t guarantee acceptance. Also, don’t ask questions that might be beyond their scope of expertise, such as financial aid specifics.

    Most importantly, always be yourself and be polite. The interview is a chance for the director to see who you are as whole –beyond your resume! Always thank them for their time afterwards and pop a sincere thank you note in the mail for the final touch.

    P.S. For 175 sample interview questions, sample answer strategies, our full guide to interview success, and more, check out the Get Matched Course.


  • The Craziest Nutrition Advice Found on Reddit

    Reddit often goes one step further from the typical Google degree in nutrition. But is this advice fact or myth? Jenny Westerkamp, RD, CSSD, breaks it down.

    Nothing like the Internet for reliable nutrition information 😉 I scoured Reddit for some uh, exciting nutrition advice and picked some of the most “unique.” Read on to find out the truth on some of these crazy myths!

    1. Reddit: “Eating protein the 1st thing in the morning before anything else will help you absorb it more and reset leptin levels.”

    Truth: Eating protein in the morning is a great way to stay packed, but it won’t help you “absorb” it better if you eat it first thing in the morning. However, eating a protein of high biological value (aka “complete protein”) will help you get all of the amino acids your body doesn’t produce and pack a bigger punch than a protein source of low B.V. As for leptin, this essential hormone is mainly regulated by fatty tissue. It is not influenced by immediate protein consumption in the AM (or any time of day, for that matter).

    2. Reddit: “Skipping breakfast then eating high-carb foods for lunch leads to diabetes because the glucose shocks your system.”

    Truth: Science has shown many benefits to eating breakfast, but skipping it will not result in diabetes. Diabetes, assuming they are talking about type 2, is a multifactorial disease, and skipping breakfast now and again and eating carbs won’t cause it. However, eating breakfast full of healthy carbs, such as fiber, will keep you full and focused throughout the day.

    3. Reddit: “Lemon-cucumber-infused water will detox you.”

    Truth: Your liver and kidneys are pros at the whole detoxing business. Lemon and cucumbers might taste good, but they won’t have any “detox” effect.

    4. Reddit: “Your bones can regulate your appetite.”

    Truth: Maybe they’re thinking of hydroxyapatite? That’s the mineral that makes up your teeth and bones. However, your bones have nothing to do with your appetite!

    5. Reddit: “You can remove fat from ground beef by rinsing it with water.”

    Truth: Rinsing your meat with water won’t reduce the fat content, but you might spread nasty germs. Try buying leaner ground beef (at least 88% lean) or wait until it cooks and pour the grease off instead.

    What’s the craziest nutrition advice you’ve ever heard? Sound off!

    P.S. Do you want the FREE DI Toolkit used by thousands of DI applicants? YES PLEASE


  • How to Keep Learning Post-College

    If you’re looking for a way to expand your horizons after you step out of the classroom, read this list!

    So you finally got your Bachelor’s degree….now what?! If you’ve ever had that thought, you aren’t alone. Many people can agree that you never stop learning, and that’s particularly true in the ever-changing dietetics field with the variety of continuing education opportunities available. Luckily, you can continue lifelong learning in many ways!

    1. Master’s Degrees

    Master’s degrees are a common way that many RD’s, or those in the nutrition field, further their education. Besides, all new RD’s will have a Master’s starting in 2024, so why not get ahead of the game? Many Master’s programs are more in-depth and specific to a particular subject in comparison to Bachelor’s programs- so this is your chance to delve into a topic you love. Many RD’s earn their MPH (Master’s of Public Health), MBA (Master’s of Business Administration), or Master’s of Science (MS). Find a Master’s program located near you here.

    2. Ph.D. or Doctorate Degrees

    A Ph.D. or Doctorate is the highest level of education you can achieve, and it will set you apart from the rest. Only around 5% of RD’s have their Ph.D., and most are found in the educational or research setting. These degrees are typically grounded in research and take around 3-5 years to complete. A doctorate, such as a Doctorate of Clinical Nutrition, is equal to a Ph.D. but is typically for established professionals who want to increase their expertise in their field.

    3. Coursera

    Don’t want to commit to an academic program but still want to take some classes? Check out Coursera, a website that lets you take courses online from renowned universities. There are hundreds of courses available from an endless amount of topics. The best part? You don’t have any homework 😉

    4. Certifications

    Are you already an RD and looking to specialize in a certain area and gain expertise? There’s probably a certification for you! The Commission on Dietetic Registration currently has seven options for certification. You can become a board-certified specialist in:

    • Nutrition Support (CNSC)
    • Oncology Nutrition (CSO)
    • Sports Dietetics (CSSD)
    • Pediatric Nutrition (CSP)
    • Renal Nutrition (CSR)
    • Gerontological Nutrition (CSG)
    • Obesity and Weight Management (CSOWM)

    These certifications are earned after working as an RD for three years, having worked at least 4000 hours in the area of your desired specialty, and passing the board certification exam. Another specialty certification is the Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist. Information can be found here. In addition to boosting your earning potential and making you more marketable to employers, you will also gain expertise in the field and add to your skills as an RD.

    5. Keeping Up with Research

    What better way to keep up with the field than by reading the latest research? Stay on top of what is happening in the world of nutrition by being aware of current news. As nutrition students and professionals, we are constantly reminded of how vital evidence-based research is. And besides, it will come in handy when your Dr. Oz-loving friend asks you about that new crazy trend.

    6. CEUs

    CEU’s, or continuing education units, require all RD’s to maintain their credentialing. CEU’s are offered through attending conferences, local symposiums, or even through taking certified online programs. You never know what you will learn!

    7. Teach

    Many have often said that the best way to learn something is to teach it to someone else. This is so true! If you are still a student, see if you can become a teaching assistant or volunteer in the tutoring center. If you are an RD, scope out opportunities by teaching a class where you work or at a local school or hospital.

    What is your favorite thing to learn about? Sound off in the comments!

    P.S. Are you a new Registered Dietitian searching for your first job? Join Get Hired Coaching to land the position of your dreams!


  • How to Deal with Google Degrees

    As a Registered Dietitian, you may encounter people who have gotten their knowledge from Google. Here are our keys to show your expertise!

    The nutrition world is filled with self-proclaimed experts who get most of their information off of the frequently used and often unreliable World Wide Web. As all of us know, the most reliable source of dietary advice is from a Registered Dietitian, who completes a rigorous academic program and over 1000 hours of supervised practice before being able to call themselves experts in the field. Although it’s great that these so-called Google Degrees are so interested in nutrition, we all know that there is a lot of misinformation on the internet, especially about food. So what do you do when you find yourself talking to someone who quotes unreliable or false information? Whether this happens on Facebook or in real life, here’s how to deal.

    1. Disagree politely

    There’s nothing wrong with disagreeing, as long as you do it politely. Make sure you avoid negative language, name-calling, or Facebook fighting, but don’t be afraid to stand up for your field.

    2. Have research ready

    There’s nothing like a little bit (or a lot) of evidence-based research to support your argument against a food fallacy. Staying on top of current research will keep you updated on the latest in the field. A quick tip: find up-to-date research in nutrition using the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Evidence Analysis Library. There’s nothing like facts to squash a fad.

    3. Be confident

    You are on your way to becoming a nutrition expert, so don’t be afraid to show it off. Be confident in your knowledge because you worked hard for it. Besides, you’re only doing them a favor!

    What’s the craziest thing about nutrition you’ve ever heard someone say? Sound off in the comments!

    P.S. – Mine was when someone tried to convince me that she didn’t eat carbs because her body had a carbohydrate intolerance and stored all carbs as fat. It looks like those micronutrient metabolism classes paid off 😉

    P.P.S. ARE YOU IN YET? With Get Matched Coaching, you’ll gain the confidence and clarity you need to get a dietetic internship! 


  • What I Learned At My First Nutrition Conference

    Attending your first nutrition and dietetics conference is an important and exciting step in becoming a Registered Dietitian.

    I remember it well- the nervousness, intimidation, and the restless night before. I spent hours picking out the perfect outfit, double-checking my purse for a notepad, and packing two pens. Most importantly, I remember stepping in the doors and attending my first nutrition conference. This experience provided some critical takeaways. 

    R.D’s love food- a lot

    This may seem obvious, but it sunk in the first hour of my conference. While I was too nervous to eat breakfast, R.D’s around me strolled in with coffee, homemade smoothies, and snacks. I expected a stuffy room of strict professionals, but most attendees enjoyed a snack or beverage throughout the day.

    You will hear excellent presentations…

    Sometimes, it can feel like you are all alone in your homework and textbooks. But when you finally sit in a room of like-minded, passionate individuals, you will be reminded differently. You will engage in presentations about things you didn’t realize were a part of the nutrition and dietetics scope. You will hear presentations that inspire you, terrify you, and validate your passion for this field.

    … And some not-so-great presentations, too

    Not everyone is a performer. Just like your food science presentations in class, some dietitians aren’t great presenters. Regardless, hearing imperfect presentations may help you feel a little less intimidated at a big event like a nutrition conference. This reminds you that RDs are people, too, just like you.

    Dietitians love to mingle.

    While presentations are a large part of a nutrition conference, socializing is, too. Dietitians live for small breaks throughout the day to get to know each other more. While some of the attendees may be your professors or classmates, others may be gathering research about lentils or working with eating disorder patients. Whatever the case may be, you will meet a variety of R.D’s who do just about everything. When you find someone who stands out to you, make sure to make a lasting impression. You never know where mingling with a few R.D.N.s will take you!

    You may feel overwhelmed.

    During and after my first nutrition conference, I felt a lot of confusion. I was confused not only about the content of some presentations but about myself, too. Connecting with R.D’s taught me that nutrition is a wide-open field. Finding your population, role, and niche in nutrition takes time, which many students haven’t quite figured out. By attending conferences, you are one step closer to learning what your place is.

    My first nutrition conference exhausted me. I was physically tired from being nervous about the little things like my hair and outfit. But mentally, my first nutrition conference excited me. It inspired me to head back to my classrooms and study harder, gain external experience through research and volunteering, and ultimately communicate with those all around me and connect over a passion for this field. Your first nutrition conference will be something you will never forget, and I know it will be an experience to push you forward.

    P.S. What was your first nutrition conference? If you haven’t attended one, check out FNCE for a great place to start!

    P.P.S. Are you applying to dietetic internships? Join the Get Matched Course to find clarity and confidence in your application and land the dietetic internship of your dream! 


  • How To Start A Foodie Blog

    Blogging can help you from average nutrition student to star! Here are some tips and tricks for publishing your best material for the internet to see.

    Blogging, it seems, is the new thing. Students, interns, and dietitians alike are taking to the internet to share their passion. Now you can, too! While starting a food blog may seem overwhelming, it can be as easy as making a dietitian-approved meal. Below are tips and tricks to help you succeed.

    Find your platform.

    Whether you want to purchase a domain name and create your website, you want to focus solely on social media such as Instagram, or you want to team up with a few friends and create a Facebook group, find your platform first. If you choose to make an internet blog, check out easy SquareSpace, Weebly, or WordPress templates.

    Determine your style.

    Find inspiration from other blogs and see what makes them tick. Is it their focus on quick and easy meals, their attention to detail, their adorable photos, their focus on a specific health concern or population, or their everyday upkeep? Once you understand the niche you want to focus on, it’ll help you know where to begin. Once you find an aesthetic you like, own it. Make your style yours.

    Create your content.

    Before getting your foodie blog live and running, make sure to create content ahead of time for the next few weeks or months. This helps your blog jumpstart early, and it allows you to be posting new and relevant information on a revolving basis. Plus, this gives you time to work and re-work your layout, ideas, and materials.

    Go live!

    Finally- publish your work! Please share it with friends and family, your professors and mentors, even your peers at college. By going live and sharing your information, you’ll be sure to gain a following.

    Connect with others.

    Make sure to interact with your readers and viewers by replying to comments, shares, and every interaction they make. This will help grow your following as well as connect with others interested in your work. You never know what opportunities or friendships could come out of a simple “thank you.”

    Keep working!

    After your nutrition blog is live, the work isn’t over. Maintaining a blog is a regular job that requires social media skills, communication, work ethic, and knowledge of nutrition and dietetics. Please include new recipes or facts in your blog and share them with your followers as you learn new recipes or facts. Work hard on making your blog better than ever before, constantly.

    While creating and maintaining a successful nutrition blog may sound easy, it requires dedication, determination, and inspiration. This project can be as small or large as you want it to be! If you work hard enough, it can even become your entire career. There will be trials along the way, but using your nutrition knowledge with other skills and passions, you can make it work — an RD2BE can do anything!

    P.S. Are you a new Registered Dietitian or recent graduate looking for your first job? Join Get Hired Coaching to prepare for your following interview and land your dream job!


  • Advice from Dietitians to Future Dietitians

    Becoming a Registered Dietitian certainly isn’t easy. We’ve compiled advice from dietitians for nutrition students, dietetic interns, and all future RD’s.

    We all have a clear recollection of why we wanted to get into the nutrition field and become registered dietitians.  Some of those reasons are near and dear to our hearts, and some of those reasons are very simple- we love nutrition!  When on the journey to become a registered dietitian, there are plenty of bumps along the road. Sometimes, it’s easy to forget why we are doing what we are doing.  

    “Why did I decide to volunteer again this week when I have a test tomorrow?”  Why am I taking six classes this semester?”  How is summer almost over when all I did was a volunteer and work?” These are common questions I’ve both asked and heard during my years as a student.

    Since becoming an RD (yay!) in July 2016, I often thought about what I wish I knew along the way to make things a little easier for me.  Honestly, the best advice that I could give would only begin and end with two words: networking and volunteering.  So important.  Not only do these things look amazing on your resume, but they will also help you navigate your way through dietetics with a bit of ease.  

    Networking can lead to you shadowing multiple RDs in different fields, learning about nutrition from another point of view, and making your name known in the dietetics field early.  

    Volunteering will make your resume and your DICAS application look amazing.  I asked one dietetic intern and one dietitian about what they would have liked to know before starting a nutrition career. This is what they had to say.

    “Network as much as possible, take on as many volunteer opportunities as you can, big or small.”

    “If you’re struggling in academics, then definitely seek out a tutor, your professor, or other resources that your University provides for extra help. When trying to get into an internship and meet with the director, whether it’s one-on-one or in a group setting, come prepared with questions.  Don’t forget to update your resume and LinkedIn as you go continually”. – Jess Mirkin, Dietetic Intern at the University of Saint Joseph, West Hartford, CT.

    “Becoming a dietitian is a long road, but it will all be worth it in the end; keep going!”

    The dietetics community is tiny and close-knit. Never burn bridges; you never know who knows your potential internship director or future boss.  Volunteer as much as you can; it’s the best and sometimes the only way to get experience in nutrition as a student. Be persistent; dietitians are super busy and may not respond to questions right away but typically respond well to those who show they are ready to work, learn, and show that they have something to offer.  Being a dietitian can sometimes feel like a thankless job; remember why you started in the first place and how important what you’re doing is”.  – Hailey Beiner, RDN, C-DN.

    The consensus seems to be the same- networking, persistence, volunteering, never feeling like you can’t ask for help, and always remembering why you started this journey.  Never give up, and remember that it’s worth it!


  • Our Favorite GRE Study Resources

    The GRE company recommends that each test taker spends at least three months preparing for the exam, so here are study resources to help you do your best!

    The GRE, or Graduate Record Examination, is a standardized test all potential grad school students must take as a part of their application process. We’ve compiled our favorite resources to help you score your best!

    GRE PowerPrep Online

    The test maker made this software, giving you the best overview and helping you get a good feel for how questions are asked in a simple format. It goes over each section of the test and comes with two practice tests. Even better? It’s free! Bonus: PowerPrep Plus is available for $39.95 and includes extra resources.

    Kaplan Test Prep

    Kaplan offers four different options of test prep: in-person, live online, private tutoring, or self-paced. They provide a free consultation to see which option is best for you and personalize your study plan. It is an investment, but it’s worth it if this is what you are looking for.

    Manhattan GRE Prep

    Manhattan is a great source that provides a free practice test and even has in-depth explanations for each question’s answer. The practice tests mirror the actual GRE and track your progress, so you know what you need to focus on.

    Other Tips

    • Need help with a particular topic? Head over to Khan Academy, where you’ll find instructional and in-depth videos on almost any subject.
    • No time to make hundreds of vocabulary flashcards? Scour Quizlet to find some GRE vocabulary flashcards already made. Just press print, and voila.
    • Don’t be shy to ask for extra help if you’ve forgotten about a specific topic (looking at you, geometry). Finding a tutor could make all the difference.
    • Are you still enrolled in school? Some universities offer free or reduced-fee GRE resources. Head over to your student services building to find out more.

    P.S. Are you a dietetic intern preparing for the R.D. Exam? Pass the Exam Tutoring can teach you how to study smarter, not harder, to increase your chances of passing the exam!


  • Prerequisite Courses for Dietetics Programs

    Before becoming a Registered Dietitian, you have to complete many prerequisite courses. Check out our list of standard classes to decide where to start!

    If you have decided to go back to school to become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, the odds are that you have a few prerequisites to take. As a career-changer, I understand the overwhelming feeling of having so many classes to take but not being quite sure where to start.

    Likewise, you will find that most dietetic programs require similar prerequisite courses. When you decide on a specific program you want to attend, make your list of precisely what school requires.

    Click here to find dietetic programs near you!

    Courses that will be required for most programs:

    • Chemistry 1 (with lab)
    • Biology 1 (with lab)
    • Anatomy and Physiology
    • Organic Chemistry
    • General Microbiology
    • Intro to Biochemistry
    • Intro to Nutrition

    Other courses that may be required:

    • Chemistry 2 (with lab)
    • Medical Terminology
    • Intro to Statistics
    • Intro to Psychology
    • Research Writing
    • Biochemistry 2

    Courses I had to take before starting my dietetics program:

    • Chemistry 1 (with lab)
    • Biology 1 (with lab)
    • Anatomy and Physiology
    • Intro to Nutrition
    • Medical Terminology
    • Intro to Statistics
    • Intro to Psychology

    Courses I took during my Didactic Program in Dietetics:

    • Organic Chemistry
    • General Microbiology
    • Intro to Biochemistry
    • Research Writing

    From my experience, I completed all of these courses in other online programs through universities that my school approved. This allowed me to have a very flexible schedule to work part-time, and I could take the classes from anywhere.

    Completing these courses was very convenient, but I will say that taking classes online still had many challenges. In many cases, I felt as though I was teaching myself all of the material. There was always an instructor, and some of the courses had PowerPoints and lectures, but it wasn’t the same as sitting in an actual classroom or having a conversation with classmates or the instructor about the topic. All of the courses require a lot of reading, many hours, and excellent organization. It’s not impossible to complete all of these courses online, but if I could redo my experience, I would probably choose to take these courses in the classroom setting. For those looking to catch up on their prerequisite courses, many local community colleges offer science-based courses over the winter and summer, typically less expensive.

    Some of the online programs I took courses through:

    Wondering which courses to start with? I recommend starting with Chemistry 1 and Biology 1. These are very general classes that are necessary for completing several of the other prerequisites.

    Hopefully, this gives you a starting point if you are going back to school to be a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist!

    P.S. Just starting your career in nutrition and dietetics? Schedule your free call with Jenny to discuss your background, address any concerns, and decide on the next steps for your dietitian journey!


  • Professor Advice to Survive Tough DPD Courses

    Five nutrition and dietetics professors give helpful advice to help you survive challenging DPD courses and get one step closer to becoming a dietitian.

    Everyone knows that studying and hard work are the keys to success. Highlighting your notes, re-reading the chapters over and over, and even making up songs… .we’ve done it all. But what if there was something else that we could do? I picked the brains of professors of notably challenging DPD courses for their secrets to success.

    Study a little bit each day

    Even when you think you know everything, keep going! Over-learning is key to understanding the ins and outs of intricate concepts.

    “It is important to learn to study effectively – one method I used as a student is still considered a useful strategy: over learning. Even when you think you know the material, keep studying – that is, keep reciting the information and keep writing out the information in text form. It will make more and more sense when you do this – you will start seeing the connections better, and understanding will improve.”

    Dr. Carol Johnston, Ph.D., R.D., Director of Nutrition Program and Professor at Arizona State University. Instructor of Advanced Micronutrient Metabolism and Research Methods.

    Go the extra mile

    You can’t expect your teachers to feed you everything you need to know; be sure to do the assigned readings, and don’t be afraid to go beyond your textbook and lecture slides to learn the material.

    “As a student in the DPD classes it is critical you come prepared to class. Professors can’t go over all the information in class, so students need to take ownership of their learning, read the assigned chapters, and do additional research to learn the material. Just showing up for class is not going to be enough to be successful.  I know it is easy to memorize the information for the exam, but learning how to apply the information will better prepare you for your internship.”

    Dr. Sandra Mayol-Kreiser, Ph.D., R.D., CNSC, Clinical Associate Professor at Arizona State University. Instructor of Medical Nutrition Therapy II and Geriatric Nutrition.

    Not the best at test-taking? Start by making your own

    Testing yourself will make you think outside of the box and help you see things from your professor’s perspective.

    “Essentially, I would like to remind students that studying for tough DPD classes should be viewed as a ‘marathon rather than a sprint,’ so instead of cramming a day or two before the exam, try setting aside an hour or so each week to review the content from that week. When studying, try not only to read over your notes but also practice actively engaging in the content by making and answering your practice questions, i.e., “test yourself” before the instructor tests you!”

    Dr. Christy Lespron, Ph.D., R.D., Clinical Associate Professor and Director of Student Affairs at Arizona State University. Instructor of Advanced Micronutrient Metabolism.

    Your professors double as a mentor.

    Your professors aren’t just there to teach you the course. They’re there to help you make connections in the field, get you to your next step, or become a confidant and mentor.

    “Ace your DPD courses.  It would help if you were going for the “A” in these core courses, so make sure you put in the extra time to get the best grade possible.  Also, keep in mind that the professors that teach these core courses may also make outstanding references for you.  Get to know them!”

    Joan Salge Blake, MS, R.D., LDN, Clinical Associate Professor at Boston University. Instructor of Community Nutrition.

    Go above and beyond

    Please talk with your professors, rewrite your notes, but it’s also important to enjoy what you’re learning! Enthusiasm leads to excellence so let your passion fuel your desire to succeed. “DPD courses can be challenging, but with a few essential tips, all students can follow. Here are my suggestions for success:

    •   Study a little bit each day…or at least each week. Never wait until the last minute! Even short 10 minute sessions going through notes make a difference! So put down your cell phone when you have a break and pick up your textbook or notes!
    • One of the most helpful things I did as a student was rewritten my notes in my own words and pictures. My goal was to reduce the number of note pages from class by three-quarters so that I had a smaller stack of notes to study from. It can be overwhelming with a giant pile of letters, so this made me feel better. Creating my version of the notes was a huge help in learning the material because after making this new version, I had a much easier time remembering complex information. I used different color pens too. Color has been shown to improve information retention, so give it a try!
    • Constantly ask yourself “why” when studying. If you keep asking this question when looking, it will force you to dig deeper and understand the information. It also assures that you can apply knowledge to critical thinking questions test day and prepare you well for future dietetics internships.
    • Be brave and talk to your professors. They want to help you, so don’t assume they don’t care or have time to help. A few minutes during office hours can go a long way if you struggle with a complex concept or need help with certain information from class.
    • Revel in the wonders of human metabolism and nutrition. Our bodies are amazing, and due to a unique set of reactions and biochemical products, we see unique complexities which result in various states of health and disease. These differences keep dietitians and nutrition professionals striving to help our families, friends, and communities. Enjoy learning all aspects of nutrition science and let it fuel continued curiosity because this will keep you enjoying what you do and take you further than you ever thought possible“.

    Dr. Corrie Whisner, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at Arizona State University. Instructor of Advanced Human Nutrition I and Nutrigenomics.

    P.S. Are you in yet? Join Get Matched Coaching to learn how to land the dietetic internship of your dreams!


  • 5 Fun Things To Do With Your #RD2BE Friends

    Some days, free time is best spent alone with Netflix and homemade snacks, but other days, it’s best spent with RD2BE friends outside of the classroom.

    On weekdays, you can find most dietetics students in-class lectures, laboratory experiments, and studying. But, on rare occasions, they have free time, too. While free time doesn’t come often and doesn’t stay long, it is much enjoyed. On those rare occasions, getting together with your RD2BE friends is a must.

    While getting together with all of your RD2BE friends, you probably want to leave a few of your nutrition courses behind. But if you’re still looking for some hints of nutrition, here are some great things to do.

    1) Go fruit or vegetable picking

    This is a great fall or spring activity to do with friends. It helps you get outside and get your body moving, as well as appreciate the foods you know and love. This is an excellent natural world application of nutrition and dietetics, and your friends will be all over it. Plus, it’ll be a great Instagram opportunity, and who doesn’t love that?! Make sure to hashtag your experience with #RD2BE.

    2) Have fun in the kitchen

    In case you haven’t noticed yet, dietetics students can be a bit competitive. While the academic and career pressures can be intense, they can also fuel a good fire. Another fun activity to do with nutrition friends is host a cooking or baking competition! Imagine this as your food science lab to the extreme. Choose a theme or category — Chinese food, desserts, three-ingredient recipes, or unconventional ways to use chocolate. No matter how outrageous your rules become, your friends will love hanging out and trying something new. Plus, the winner will be stoked about unlimited bragging rights.

    3) Volunteer together

    While dietetics students are encouraged to volunteer in food industry settings, it can often be a little intimidating and challenging. But when you pair with RD2BE friends, the experience becomes more than just volunteering. It becomes fun, too! So get a group of friends together and pick a day to volunteer at your local food bank or soup kitchen. Not sure where to begin? Find a volunteering opportunity near you here. You can split up and conquer — with so many options to volunteer, there is undoubtedly a job for everyone. And you’ll be sure to feel great after your experience.

    4) Start a Vlog

    With the influx of social media, RD2BE friends love to show their expertise online. This can be an excellent opportunity to share your knowledge and passion, as well as have some laughs with pals. Another great activity to do with your RD2BE friends is to make a video blog! It’s a blast to get ready and dressed up and then film something incredible and unique. You’ll have lots of laughs and make a few mistakes during your Hollywood moment, but it will be something you and your friends will be able to look back at for years to come. Who knows – you may even become an internet sensation!

    5) Netflix and potluck

    There’s nothing like a good movie marathon, and a movie marathon with RD2BE’s is even better. Gather a list of your friends’ favorites and load your Netflix account. Then, make sure everyone brings a dish of their choice, and prepare to be “wowed.” Even better – don’t let anyone tell each other what they’re getting. Maybe your friends’ choices will surprise you. Snuggle up together and enjoy the very rare moment that you are free of work to do!

    There are a ton of activities that RD2BE friends can do together to further their passion and love for dietetics. While some activities are more intensive than others, they are all excellent options for gathering a group of peers and letting loose. Free time is a beautiful thing, so live it up, RD2BEs!

    PS Are you applying to the dietetic internship program of your dreams and want personalized guidance? Get Matched Coaching can help you gain confidence and clarity to get one step closer to being an RD!