Applying for your dietetic internship isn’t easy. Reflect on our featured checklist to make sure you are on track to landing the DI of your dreams.
Time is flying by! How is it almost December?!
I have a few courses and coaching clients this year that are SO ahead of the game. Their statements are made, their references have been asked, their DICAS information is organized and ready to be input once DICAS officially opens next week. *jaw drops*
It is inspiring because when I was applying, and by the way, it was mailed-in applications in the pre-DICAS era, I was at the post office on February 15, 5 minutes before it closed. I asked the post office worker to watch him physically postmark my applications with February 15, so I knew for sure they would be considered “on-time.” I then celebrated with an Oreo milkshake from Potbelly’s, and it was glorious. But I was not recommended.
The point of this update is to give you a little push to get going on your applications. You don’t want to wait until the last minute on these- I promise. And to be honest, there isn’t much stopping you from getting about 90% of these babies done. For some of you in your final semester, before applying, you might be waiting on your final grades for this semester and your transcripts. I also know that you might have exams and finals. I get it! But I am just planting the seed here. It won’t be the last time I tell you to GIDDY UP!
Now, since you’re a dietetics major, you LOVE checklists. Duh! I included one below that will help you get organized for the chaos that is the application process. The sooner you look at this checklist, the sooner you can start checking things off of it!
Application Things to Do
- Determine GPAs
- Find Preceptors
- Do Program Research
- Communicate with Directors
- Schedule & Attend Visits/Open Houses
- Take GRE (optional)
- Create a DICAS Account
- Complete DPD Program Information
- Order Transcripts
- Complete Educational Information
- Complete References Process
- Complete Graduate School Applications (optional)
- Finalize Resume (Coaching clients: with your coach)
- Finalize Personal Statement (Coaching clients: with your coach)
- Write Additional Personal Statement Versions
- Complete Supplemental Materials & Fees
- Complete Additional Information (Enter Experience into DICAS)
- Designate Programs
- Do a full DICAS Review (Coaching clients: with your coach)
- Complete Online Portfolio (optional)
- Complete D&D Computer Matching
- E-Submit Application
- Interview Prep (Coaching clients: with your coach)
- Back up Plan Prep
- Second Round Preparation (if needed)
- ISPP Applications (if required)
Remember, the early bird stays calm and focused, while the late bird FREAKS THE HECK OUT.
What bird do you want to be?
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