Maybe you’re in a lecture, and you let your mind wander- we’ve all done that! As a nutrition major, these thoughts will run through your head.
There’s nothing like sitting in class and dreaming about what you’ll have for dinner when you’re supposed to be focused on TPN calculations. As a nutrition major, you’re only human, and you might get off topic sometimes. You might find yourself thinking these now and again – but you aren’t the only one!
1. Is it time for lunch yet?
Time to check the clock… again.
2. Should I sleep or study after this?
Be productive or take some me-time? I can’t decide.
3. I understand, Ochem!
Keep paying attention, or it might just get away from me again.
4. Of course, the person next to me brings celery…
Plain celery. Is that even tasty?
5. That reminds me… what should I make for dinner?
Leftovers vs. takeout vs. trying a new recipe from that blog?
6. Glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, and glycogenolysis… yup, I got this.
I will need to study this again later.
7. If I don’t get an internship, I can be some Krebs cycle expert.
Maybe that job exists!
8. Or write a book with PES statements for any possible situation.
Now this one could be helpful. I’m onto something!
9. Maybe I should’ve picked an easier major?
I’m sure there is something easier out there than this.
10. No way, I love being a nutrition student.
And I wouldn’t change it for the world. Even during the chaos of finals, I was applying to a dietetic internship and completing 1200 hours of supervised practice. It will all be worth it to become a Registered Dietitian!
P.S. Give your application a complete makeover with Get Matched Coaching!