Curious about a coordinated program in dietetics? Here are the most frequently asked questions we get about coordinated programs for dietetic students!
Truthfully, finding a program that will allow you to take all of your didactic classes and hopefully help you successfully become placed with a dietetic internship is hard. Not to mention, finding a dietetic internship can be even more challenging, especially if you went to an undergraduate university where nutrition programs are slim to none.
Now imagine doing all of your didactic coursework AND your internship at the same time! Coordinated Programs offer a unique experience for future dietitians to study and experience a dietetic internship. Here are some frequent questions I get asked about coordinated programs in dietetics.
What is a Coordinated Program in Dietetics?
Coordinated programs are popping up all over the country. A coordinated program in dietetics enrolls and places students in their didactic coursework and dietetic internship.
Each program tends to be shorter than the traditional DPD than the DI route. They typically last about two and a half years. Coordinated programs challenge students to complete their coursework and supervised practice simultaneously. Though they are shorter, coordinated programs leave students with the same experience and education as every other program without the stress of applying to a dietetic internship!
Are Coordinated Programs Becoming More Popular?
Coordinated Programs are becoming more popular. Their shorter timeframe allows students to start their careers as dietitians sooner than traditional programs. They take away the stress of applying to DICAS and enable students to practice while learning about nutrition and the field of dietetics.
Coordinated programs can be found both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Since a master’s degree will soon be required for upcoming dietitians in 2024, coordinated programs are an excellent option for students who are currently getting an undergraduate education but will miss the timeframe to sit for the RD exam without a master’s degree.
Are There any Prerequisites Required for a Coordinated Program at the Master’s Level?
Many master’s programs will require students to have taken some coursework before enrolling in their coordinated program. Many of the classes required are biology or chemistry-related that typically are completed in undergraduate didactic studies. Some programs allow students to complete these courses throughout their master’s studies. Be sure to reach out to the director of each program you are looking at to understand better what is required.
Click here to see the typical prerequisite courses for dietetics programs!
Can I Work While Enrolled in a Coordinated Program in Dietetics?
YES! Though these programs tend to be more time-consuming, it is possible to work while getting your degree.
Time management skills are critical while enrolled in a coordinated program. If you plan your internship hours, classes, and study times appropriately, it is possible to work, enjoy life, and be enrolled in a coordinated program!
Coordinated programs allow you to gain experience and become closer to doing the work that you are passionate about when you start the journey to becoming a Registered Dietitian. You can find a list of all schools offering a Coordinated Program here.
PS. If you aren’t sure which path to take on your dietetics journey, please do not worry! You will find what works best for you.