I narrowed down some of my favorite websites that provide some of the most up-to-date, scientific, evidence-based information. Check it out!

It’s that time of year again.  Your professors are starting in with the research paper requests. Our advice? Pick a topic, research the case, ensure that your research is EVIDENCED-BASED, and don’t forget the citations page.  My biggest worry when I was assigned a research paper was finding a topic where there was enough evidence-based research so that there was some truth to what I was saying.  After many semesters of stress and panic, I’ve found these resources provide information that any nutrition student would geek out about.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

If you’re not a student member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, you should be! As a member, you get the Food & Nutrition magazine sent to you physically or virtually every month. You also gain access to their database of research articles from various journals.  All evidenced-based information, of course! An Academy membership is a win-win.

The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

This website is specific to the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.  Throughout these pages, you will be able to obtain all the research articles and abstracts from the journal’s archives.  There is always that one article you read three months ago that you wish you had now for that specific research topic.

PubMed (the National Institutes of Health)

The National Institute of Health has some great information on its website.  If you click on the PubMed link, it will bring you to a database that allows you to search by whatever topics you choose.  *Hint- if you are googling anything nutrition/science related, add NIH in the search bar, and it should bring you to evidence-based articles and information immediately so that you don’t have to weed through the information that we know isn’t true.

If you have any websites that you use for evidenced-based research information that I didn’t mention and you would like to share, please share the wealth in the comments section!  Also, don’t forget that your school’s library usually has a lot of access to journal articles that you may have to pay for if you don’t log in as a student.  The library is always overseen, but it has some great tricks on getting the information you want for free!

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