Increase your first-time pass rates with All Access Dietetics

The only RD exam preparation that offers an evidence-based method AND a complete solution!

The RD Exam pass rate is declining.

After speaking with hundreds of people that struggled to pass the RD exam, we found that  examinees needed a different approach to ensure they understood the material and strengthened their critical thinking skills. Memorizing will not work. Studying like it is a college exam will not work. Plus, examinees found that approach overwhelming.

We are dedicated to providing the most innovative, effective, and economical RD exam prep available!

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Years Supporting Future Dietitians
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Dietetics Program Partnerships
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Happy Customers since 2020

Introducing...Pass Class!

Teaches an evidence-based method with an interactive study guide, videos, and tutor-led community

Offers a complete program that does not require mix-and-matching different tools.

Has supported 2,400 future dietitians (and counting!) as they prep to take the RD exam.

Watch the 1-minute tour of Pass Class!

What's included in Pass Class

Pass the Exam Prep powered by the Study Smarter Method

Pass the Exam Prep powered by the Study Smarter Method is a study guide that also teaches an evidence-based learning method. Physical study guide with in-depth explanations – not meant to be memorized!

What you get:

Review Session Recordings

These recordings are taught by Lead Tutor, Susy Cohen, RD, who scored a 35 on her RD exam and is an ICU dietitian in Miami, FL. 

What you get:

Pass Class Community

Tutor Zak Kaesberg, MS, RD will answer questions and provide 2 video lessons per week. You can also access live events, find a study buddy, and more!

What you get:

Bonus Tools

These bonus tools fill in the gaps to provide full support, even after you pass the RD exam and are looking to get hired at your first job!

What you get:

Pass Class Info Session for Programs

Get Started with Pass Class

Total Value: $1332

With physical Pass the Exam Prep: $394/user

With online Pass the Exam Prep: $334/user

Access can start as early as the beginning of the program and have access until they pass!

A la Carte RD Exam Prep

Pass the Exam Prep

You don’t need any other study guide! This innovative exam prep tool incorporates the “Study Smarter Method” – a proven method that incorporates learning style, active learning techniques, and critical thinking. This study guide is 650+ pages and includes everything you need to implement the method, without feeling overwhelmed!

Program Pricing:

Physical Binder: $237
Online Version: $187

Review Session Recordings

Program Pricing:

Recording Access: $147 per user

Mock Exam

Program Pricing:

$37 per user

Past and current partners include...

North Oaks Medical Center
Be Well Solutions
Long Island University
Montana State Dietetic Internship
Nova Southeastern University
Aramark Dietetic Internship
Dominican University
UT Southwestern University
Central Washington University
Russell Sage College
Mississippi State University
Oklahoma State University
Nicholls State University
Pace University
Appalachian State University
King’s College
Marshall University
OSF Healthcare St. Francis
UC Berkeley
University of Kentucky

West Chester University 
Harding University
Southeast Missouri State University
East Carolina University
Sodexo Dietetic Internship
Simmons University
Andrews University
Virginia State University
Pepperdine University
Delicious Living Nutrition
University of Saint Joseph
Lagniappe Wellness
University of New England
Texas WIC
Pennsylvania WIC
Northern Arizona University
Saint Elizabeth University
Fontbonne University
Larkin Community Hospital
Marywood University
Ohio University
Winthrop University

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, programs have incorporated study guides, review videos, worksheets, and practice questions into curriculum throughout a program. It works very well this way. The access to the Pass Class community is also helpful throughout the year as the tutor shares 2 mini video lessons each week and also hosts 2 live evening classes every week.

Yes, we would provide them with the same discount code that could be used for either online or physical. In that case, we would either invoice you after all the students enrolled, so we invoiced you the correct amount, OR ask you to tell us ahead of time how many you need of each and invoice before.

Yes, we are flexible on timing of enrollment and then students have access until they pass the exam!

Yes, programs can purchase the Study Smarter Method e-book along with 205 practice questions for $59/student. 

We have offered a practice question workshop this past spring and summer, and it was free to any Pass Class students. We plan to continue this. 

We work with programs that want to offer a “stipend” to their students that can be used on either services. This works seamlessly with unique discount codes of any amount, and then we bill the program for the number of codes used.

Hear why Tania choose Pass Class over other tools...

Tania was given another RD exam study guide through her program, but choose to use Pass Class instead! Hear why she loved the study method, support, and all-inclusive program.